Euro-CASE platforms INNOVATION
Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
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About Activities and Platforms

Drawing on the experience of national academies, Euro-CASE and its member academies work on different topics through platforms, working groups, conferences, symposia…

A new activity can be started by one or several academies, or an external organisation can ask Euro-CASE to carry out a project (European Institution, Industry, …).

A platform is a group of experts nominated by the academies. The members of the platform exchange information. Platform members can get together and form a “core group” which is a small group of experts (2-6) who work together to:

  • Inform the platform members of new development of common interest
  • Organise a meeting or a workshop
  • Identify specific issues which can be proposed by the corresponding academies as projects.
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Engineering Education Platform 2018

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ECP workshop 2022