Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
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Annual Conference 2024

23 September 2024 in Budapest (Hungary)

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European Engineering for Sustainability

New Solutions for Environmental, Urban and Health Systems

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Budapest, 23 September 2024

© Bekkerfilms
Euro-CASE Annual Conference 2024, Budapest 23.09.2024
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

The 2024 Euro-CASE annual conference will be webcasted

« European Engineering Sustainability » underscores the crucial role that engineers play in shaping a better world. In an era defined by environmental and social challenges, it is the engineering community that leads the charge in finding applicable solutions.
The conference will address three paramount topics that are central to our global mission. First and foremost, we delve into the pressing issue of environmental challenges. Waste recycling, water management, and industrial and nuclear decontamination will be at the forefront of discussions. Groundbreaking strategies and innovations that promise a cleaner, and more sustainable future will be discussed.
Furthermore, the intricate dynamics of urban environments will be explored. The monitoring and control of urban transport and utility systems are critical to the efficient functioning of cities. Through real-world examples and practical case studies, good practices of those cities that have successfully implemented strategies to enhance urban systems efficiency and sustainability will be discussed.
Equally significant is the discussion on the technical needs and solutions in health promotion and ageing. Engineers are at the forefront of developing technologies that improve healthcare outcomes and facilitate healthy aging processes. This topic is not only relevant but also critical in an era where health and well-being are at the forefront of global concerns.
The Euro-CASE 2024 conference will be a platform for rich dialogues, knowledge exchange, and networking. Experienced speakers, including distinguished Fellows of Academies and leading experts in the field, will share their insights and experiences. Valuable perspectives on how engineering can lead towards a more sustainable and resilient future will be discussed.
Budapest, a city rich in history and innovation, offers an excellent opportunity to embark on a journey of discovery and collaboration. It is hoped that during the conference engineering solutions that Europe offers that not only address the challenges of today but also lay the foundation for a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

9.00 – 9.45

including a Conference lecture

Welcome address:

  • Andras Szöllösi-Nagy, Conference Chair
  • Miklos Bendzsel (HU), President of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering
  • Tuula Teeri (SE), Chair of Euro-CASE
  • Ms. Rosalinde Van der Vlies, Director of Clean Planet, European Commission (visio)

Conference video message:

  • Csaba Kőrösi (HU), former President of the United Nations General Assembly
    Strategic Director of the Blue Planet Foundation
    Can we engineer sustainability transformation?

9.45 – 11.25

Current environmental sustainability challenges (water resources management, waste recycling, industrial and nuclear decontamination)

Tackling increasingly complex environmental challenges requires swift attention by the engineering community. Innovations in waste recycling, particularly managing plastic waste, are imperative. Engineers play a pivotal role in designing advanced water management facilities to combat the ever-increasing hydrological extremes as well as pollution. This session will focus on these pressing environmental challenges. The spotlight is on engineers’ pivotal role in industrial and nuclear decontamination, ensuring safe remediation processes. Additionally, engineering expertise contributes to the restoration of areas affected by nuclear incidents by rebuilding public trust in nuclear energy safety. Throughout, the session will emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, with engineers working alongside scientists, policymakers, and communities to develop holistic solutions. Public awareness and education are underscored for fostering a collective commitment to sustainable practices. The urgency of these challenges calls for a proactive approach, and engineers, as innovators, lead the charge by integrating technology, advocating for effective policies, and engaging with communities. This session aims to inspire dialogue, innovation, and collaboration for a healthier, more resilient planet, with engineers at the forefront of prioritizing sustainable practices.

Session chair:



11.25 – 11.45


11.45 – 13.25

Sustainable healthcare management: technical needs and engineering solutions

In the dynamically evolving society, addressing health needs is crucial for long-term sustainability. Technology-driven solutions, from personalized treatment planning to telemedicine and remote devices, empower individuals and institutions in sustainable health management. Data-driven approaches, such as medical imaging, machine learning and AI, revolutionize diagnostics and treatment. Aging in place is supported by smart home solutions with assistive technologies. Robotics and automation play a key role in caregiving and healthcare. Interconnectivity ensures a holistic healthcare approach through seamless data flow. The third session will explore innovative engineering solutions for health promotion and aging.

Session chair:


  • John Clarkson (UK), Professor of Engineering Design (Cambridge) and Healthcare Systems (TU Delft), Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and Co-Director of Cambridge Public Health
    Engineering Better Care : DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
  • Elena García-Armada (ES), Co-founder, CEO of Marsi Bionics
    Pediatric Exoskeletons: The Technology Transforming Lives
  • Loránd Erőss (HU), Director, Department of Neurosurgery and Neurointervention, Semmelweiss University, Budapest
    Telemedicine of the socially most vulnerable people


13.25 – 14.40


14.40 – 16.20

Monitoring and controlling urban transport and utility systemss

In the face of rapid urbanization, Urban Transport and Utility Systems encounter unprecedented challenges that demand innovative solutions and real-world applications. Efficient urban transport is vital for thriving cities, connecting people to opportunities while reducing congestion and environmental impact. Real-time monitoring, fueled by technologies like IoT, AI, smart grids enable dynamic adjustments in traffic flow and public transportation, contributing to reduced emissions and improved air quality. Utility systems, encompassing electricity, water, and gas, are critical urban infrastructure components. Monitoring and control technologies optimize distribution, enhance resilience, and empower consumers are critical to make sustainable choices. Water and wastewater management, supported by smart sensors and monitoring, is essential for sustainability. Successful projects often require collaboration, open data platforms, and citizen engagement for user-centric solutions. This session will explore how monitoring and controlling urban transport and utility systems are instrumental in creating sustainable, livable urban environments for the future.

Session chair:



16.20 – 17.00


  • Tuula Teeri (President Euro-CASE) Host of the Euro-CASE 2025
  • Bernhard Plunger (AT), The Austrian Academy of Sciences, host of the 2025 Euro-CASE Annual Conference
  • A. Szöllősi-Nagy (HU), Conference Chair
2024 - Fabio_Assandri.jpg

Fabio Assandri
Head of Versalis Business Development Strategies and Licensing

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Attila Aszódi
Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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Csaba Benedek
Deputy Director at HUN-REN SZTAKI, Full Professor at PPKE

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János Bogardi
Senior Fellow, The Center of Developement Research (ZEF), University of Bonn

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Jiajun Cen
Co-founder and CEO of Aquabattery

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John Clarkson
Professor of Engineering Design (Cambridge) and Healthcare Systems (TU Delft), Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and Co-Director of Cambridge Public Health

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Christophe Cord’Homme

2024 - Georgia_Destouni.jpg

Georgia Destouni
Professor, (Dept. of Physical Geography,) Stockholm University, and (Dept. of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering,) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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Mirella Di Lorenzo
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath

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Loránd Erőss
Director, Department of Neurosurgery and Neurointervention, Semmelweiss University, Budapest

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Alejandro Frangi
Bicentennial Turing Chair In Computational Medicine, University of Manchester

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Nicola Fiorotto
Versalis Head of Research and Technological Innovation

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Elena García-Armada
Co-founder, CEO of Marsi Bionics

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Eugenio Guglielmelli
Rector, Full Professor of Bioengineering, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

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Uwe Andreas Hermann
Chair of ATV’ Life Science Technology Committee in charge of” Danmark 2035 – Worlds best healthcare”

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Edouard Ivanjko
Professor at the Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

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Peter Lipar
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Faculty Member

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Andras Szöllösi-Nagy
Conference Chair

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Tuula Teeri
Chair of Euro-CASE

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Pascal Verdonck
Ghent University, member of Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences & Arts, board member of Belgian & European Hospital Managers

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Willy Verstraete
Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology

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Bruno Zelic
Vice-President of the Croatian Academy of Engineering