October 19-22, 2022 Lake Bled, Slovenia
About 60 outstanding engineers under the age of 45 met for an intensive 2-1/2 day symposium to discuss cutting-edge developments in four areas. This symposium was co-chaired by Marko Topic (EU) and Vahid Tarokh (US).
The Slovenian Academy of Engineering (IAS) served as the administrator and organizer for the European side of the event.
The topics for the 2022 symposium were:
I. Post-lithium Batteries: More powerful, durable, safer, greener and cheaper batteries are needed to fulfil the compelling requirements of automotive and grid applications. Addressing these issues will require development of next-generation chemistries, e.g., Li-air and Li-sulfur.
II. Prosthetics and AI: This session would cover the integration of AI into prosthetics for the body and the brain. Applications include exoskeletons for augmenting human performance and prostheses for amputees, among others.
III. Supply Chain/Logistics: Supply chains are complex systems, and we are experiencing first-hand what happens when the system breaks down. This session would cover the operations research/engineering logistics elements of supply chain management such as risk management, demand forecasting, and digital transformation.
IV. Sustainability in Buildings: This session would cover new technologies, especially materials and sensors, in the built environment that support energy and resource conservation, recycling, and waste and pollution reduction.
2022-10-20 Day
were made by the photographer: Marjan Verč / Irena Lengar / Jože Moškon
2022-10-21 Day
were made by the photographer: Marjan Verč / Irena Lengar / Jože Moškon