Euro-CASE platforms INNOVATION
Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
Euro-CASE euro case european academies European Council of Applied Sciences Technologies and Engineering technologic scientific economic social progress Energy energy Environment Environment Mobility mobiliy Transport transport Education education Safety safety Security security Millenium millenium technology prize 2010 climate change medicine MedicineLena Treschow Torell
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Critical Raw Materials


Critical Raw Materials

The working group led by Tim Chapman has been exploring opportunities for Euro-CASE to provide policy advice to European stakeholders on the topic of critical raw materials (CRMs). The objective is to:

  • Raise awareness of the importance of the topic amongst European engineering academies;
  • Stimulate pan European collaboration amongst expert engineers to contribute to this important emerging topic;

An internal workshop has been organised on 20.12.2024 with the aim of identifying and defining how to address critical issues related to raw materials and circular economy. The objective was to organise a consultation of academies to gain their insights and suggestions on identifying 6 to 10 crucial areas of current uncertainty. A proposal of follow-up will be proposed to member academies.

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Royal Academy of Engineering – RAEng (UK)

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Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences – IVA (Sweden)

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Real Academia de Ingeniería – RAI (Spain)

This will be an opportunity to present the recent reports published by three member academies:

  • Royal Academy of Engineering – RAEng (UK)
    Critical Materials: Reducing Demand and Ensuring Sustainability
    Keyne Walker/Isabella Stevens, Policy Advisor Climate and Sustainability, RAEng
    Download file
  • Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences – IVA (Sweden)
    Tapping into the Nordic potential: Swedish Roadmap for metals and minerals
    Magnus Ericsson
    Download file
  • Real Academia de Ingeniería – RAI (Spain)
    Mineral raw materials in the energy transition and in digitalization. The role of mining and metallurgy
    Eloy Álvarez Pelegry
    Download file