12 Oct A call for an accelerated digital transformation for Belgium

This first joint position paper of Belgiums’ two general academies KVAB and ARB makes a call for an accelerated digital transformation in Belgium. Indeed there are in Belgium several good initiatives by the regional and federal government and the societal actors, but there is room for a shift to a higher speed in 5 direc?ons.


  • The digital transition will only succeed in our country if the efforts for increased digital literacy with better digital skills and more insight in the digital world are accelerated for young and old. Collective actions and an awareness programme should be organised with media campaigns in order to s?mulate the safe, responsible, ethical and sustainable use of all digital and ICT devices and services.
  • Digital tools should constitute an integral part of education in all subjects and should facilitate more flexible learning processes that are close to the needs of the individual pupils or students.
  • Influential mass and social media have an important role to play in avoiding unjustified projections of digital transitions.
  • In view of the growing needs in the labor market attracting more high school students to ICT studies as well as stimulating many professionals for lifelong learning (LLL) in ICT is crucial, bearing in mind that Belgium is lagging behind in LLL.
  • In view of the growing need of electric energy for ICT, there should be a greater focus on a comprehensive strategy concerning energy consump?on and the environmental impact of the digital transition.


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