Euro-CASE Member Academies
Message As the independent voice of European excellence in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, Euro-CASE is dedicated to providing evidence-...
Message from Reinhard HÜTTL, Chairman
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Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Member Academies

Dr Ignaz Seipel Platz 2 / 1010 Vienna Austria

T. +43 1 51 581 32 53


Academy - H-FASSMANN.jpg


Highlights 2020-2021


  • Jan. 2020: “Rethinking Academia – Funding scientific research” a workshop to question the current system of research funding and to discuss modern ways in which knowledge and innovation can be promoted fairly and efficiently.
  • Mar. 2020: “Science&Art@School – Cultural Collisions” at the interface between Arts and Physics pupils reflect on the scientific and the artistic approach to the topic of particle physics.
  • Mar. 2020: The 12th NanoTrust conference “AdMats – Advanced Materials” brings into focus the question of how new materials might influence our social life and the environment.
  • Oct. 2020: Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement. Affirmative and Critical Approaches in the Humanities from Both Sides of the Atlantic”.



  • Feb. 2020: Lecture “Predicting regulatory networks from first principles” given by Gašper Tkačik, Professor at IST Austria, at the award ceremony of the Ignaz L. Lieben-Prize of ÖAW.
  • Sep. 2020: Lecture “The fairytale of E-Mobility without CO2 foot-print” given by Georg Brasseur, Professor at TU Graz and the ÖAW shows possible ways leaving the dilemma of transport economy behind.


High Level Grants

Researchers at the Institute of the Austrian Academy received ten new ERC-Grants in 2020:
2 Advanced Grants: Quantum Physics, Cell-Biology
2 Starting Grants: Particle Physics, History
1 Synergy Grant: Quantum Physics
5 Consolidator Grants: Demography, Molecular Medicine, Medieval
Research, Molecular Biotechnology, Tibetology