Euro-CASE Member Academies
Message As the independent voice of European excellence in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, Euro-CASE is dedicated to providing evidence-...
Message from Reinhard HÜTTL, Chairman
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Slovenian Academy of Engineering (IAS)

Member Academies

Rimska cesta 1 /1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

T. +386 1 425 4418 | F. +386 1 425 4417



Academy - Matjaz-MIKOS.jpg

Prof. Matjaz-MIKOS

Founding date: 1995
Number of members: 79
Number foreign members: 17
Management and Staff: 2
Annual Budget: 120.000 €
Financing and sources:
Government Support • 94%
Other • 6%


– To stimulate the acquisition of the top-level technical knowledge that provides the basis for technological progress and a balanced, sustainable development;
– To promote the role and influence of technical experts in society in general and when dealing with issues relating to the economy and development;
– To assess and give opinions on the conditions and development of technical sciences and disciplines, research and education;
– To discuss basic issues relating to innovations and the organisation of the economy with regard to technological development;
– To be involved in the formation of policies relating to research, technology and innovations;
– To propose measures for enhancing innovations, increasing the quality of research-and-development activities and fostering the transfer of research achievements and innovations to the economy;
– To be involved in forming the policy and the programmes of training technicians and engineers at all educational levels;
– To enhance international cooperation in its areas of operation;
– To promote the development and use of Slovenian terminology in the areas of technical sciences and disciplines;
– To produce regular and occasional publications;
– To organise and support national and international discussions, conferences, panels and other meetings in the areas of engineering and business;
– To present annual and occasional awards for exceptional achievements in the areas of engineering and business, promoting engineering activities;
– To carry out other tasks aimed at fostering the effectiveness of engineering activities and reinforcing the role of engineers in society.

Committees / Main working groups

The 2 main working groups of IAS are
– The Scientific – Research Group and,
– The Business – development Group.

The IAS has 3 boards
– Board of Higher Education and Research,
– Board of the Energy Sector and the Environment,
– Board of the Economy.

Highlights 2019

– “Promotion of engineering”: In June, IAS hosted a ceremony for newelected members of IAS, among them the Nobel Prize winner Duncan Haldane and the former NASA astronaut Ronald M. Sega. IAS has also prepared other different activities for promotion of engineering and status of engineers in Slovenia.
– Cooperation with SAPEA on the conference ”A Scientific Perspective on Microplastics in Nature and Society”, Including “Plastic Recycling” and “Bio Polymers in Advanced Technologies of the Future”: IAS together with the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana hosted the conference in cooperation with SAPEA. A working group of experts has prepared contributions to review the current evidence on health, environmental and societal impacts of nano- and microplastic pollution.
– “Understanding the Innovation Process and Sustainable Development”: IAS continued a long-term analysis of the educational system in Slovenia, the analysis of Slovenia’s research, development and innovative achievements. It includes recommendations for improvement on these topics.