Euro-CASE Member Academies
Message As the independent voice of European excellence in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, Euro-CASE is dedicated to providing evidence-...
Message from Reinhard HÜTTL, Chairman
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The Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)

Member Academies

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22 Clyde Road / Ballsbridge / Dublin 4 Ireland

T. +353 1 66 51 337 | F. +353 1 66 85 508


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Founding date: 1997
Number of members: 127
Number foreign members: 6 resident in UK, 2 resident in the US
Management and Staff: 2 (part‐time)
Annual Budget: 125.000 €

Financing and sources:
Industry • 32%
Sponsored Projects • 50%
Members • 13%
Other • 5%

Last news

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Climate Change Won’t Wait
Delivery of Renewable Energy Urgent

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SMALL MODULAR REACTORS – Ireland needs to consider SMRs to achieve a zero-carbon energy sector by 2050

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A Commentary on the Medium Term Prospects for Ireland’s Hydrogen Economy

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The forces likely to shape work, employment and society in Ireland to 2040 and beyond

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National Energy and Climate Plan

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Sustainable Electricity in 2030
Reliable? Affordable?

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Irish Water Services in the 21st Century

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Review of Government Report on:
Security of Energy Supply of Ireland’s Electricity and Natural Gas Systems

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Restoring confidence in Irish energy supply November 2022

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The Irish Academy of Engineering is an all-island body and was established to advance the science and practice of engineering in Ireland and to support the expansion and enhancement of engineering education as an essential element in national development and the enhancement of living standards.
Its role is to:
– Enhance social and economic development and guide and influence public policy
– Contribute further to engineering education and innovation
– Honour achievement and preserve Ireland’s engineering heritage
– Improve our contribution by strengthening the Academy

Committees / Main working groups

Council, Executive Committee, Development Committee, Membership Committee and 6 Standing Committees as follows:
– Energy: Principally concerned with Energy Policy over the coming decades
– Climate Change & Water Resources: Responsible for researching and reporting long term challenge of climate change
– Spatial Planning and Infrastrucutre: Mainly concerned with infrastructure for an island population increasing to 8 million people over the next 4 – 5 decades
– Engineering Research & Economic Development: The focus is on Engineering Research and its potential for a developing economy
– I.C.T.: To observe and promote best practice and new developments in ICT
– Heritage: The objective is to further the preservation of Ireland’s Engineering heritage

Highlights 2020-2021


  • Publications
    The Future of Electricity Transmission in Ireland
    Lessons from the COVID-19 Experience
  • Activities
    None due to COVID-19 restrictions


  • Publications
    Academy 5-year Strategy
    Sustainable Electricity in 2030
    The Case for an Innovation Council
    Innovation Council Structure
    The Delivery of Major Capital Projects
  • Activities
    Hosted First Official Visit to Ireland by President of Royal Academy of
    Engineering (Prof. Sir Jim McDonald) – October 2021


– Innovating for Growth – Improving Ireland’s Innovation Ecosystem
– Electricity Sector Investment for Data Centres in Ireland
– Called to Serve 2
– Submission on Cork Metropolitan Area Transport
– Submission of draft Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy for Southern Regions
– Submission on draft National Energy & Climate Plan 2021 – 2030