27 Sep The Netherlands Academy of Engineering officially becomes a member of Euro-CASE (Madrid, 26.09.2023)

Euro-CASE is pleased to announce the accession of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE), chaired by Dr Henk van Houten, as a member of Euro-CASE.


Academy - nae-academie.jpg

The NAE is succeeding AcTI, the former representation from the Netherlands within Euro-CASE and an important member of Euro-CASE since the very beginning. During the Euro-CASE Board meeting on 26 September 2023 in Madrid, in presence of the NAE Head of Office, Roel Meeuwesse, the Euro-CASE Board approved the NAE’s membership, looking forward to a continued and fruitful collaboration.

More info: www.nae.nl

On the photograph (from left to right):

Roel Meeuwesse, Head of Office NAE
Tuula Teeri, Chair of Euro-CASE
Eloy Alvarez Pelegry, Vice Chair of Euro-CASE
Antonio Colino, President of the RAI
Patrick Maestro, Secretary General of Euro-CASE

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