Lecture Series on Engineering Research & Innovation

21 Oct Lecture Series on Engineering Research & Innovation

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)

It was decided by the Academy, following their report “Engineering Research and Irish Economic Development (Dec. 2010)”, that for the greater promotion of its findings and recommendations, to invite four distinguished engineers who have made their names in the international world of engineering innovation, to participate in this lecture series on the topic of Engineering Research and Innovation.
This particular publication focuses on the vital role of research in industrial innovation and identifies the specific contributions which the various sectors make:-

1.    Government through its fundamental strategies and its agencies.
2.    Industry with its interaction with the research programmes of engineering schools.
3.    The engineering schools which promote the innovation of undergraduate courses and in their research topics.
4.    The speakers, each of whom is of the highest international standards and who came to Ireland to give these lectures and share their views with us.

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