01 Déc Agenda for sustainable water supply
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering (IVA) 2021
Access to clean water is a challenge for sustainable development in Sweden as well as globally. IVA’s Sustainable Water Supply project addresses the following issues related to water supply of freshwater in Sweden – climate change, water supply in urban environments, water cycles and water management. Ten areas where challenges to the common water resource exist in Sweden today are identified, including the lack of time perspective in planning, and managing water issues. Several keys to more effective water management and water supply follow, including the need for collaboration and synchronisation between more stakeholders going forward. IVA concludes with ten policy proposals on what should be done in Sweden to meet current and future water challenges, including developing knowledge and models on how climate change affects water resources, giving river basins a central role in planning, and initiating Water Plan 2045, a national long-term strategy for water resource management. The proposals are presented in a ten-point agenda – the Agenda for Sustainable Water Supply. The report is available in Swedish.
Report availability (link, paper version…)
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