National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)

21 Oct Biotechnological energy conversion in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Germany has committed to pulling out of nuclear power completely by 2022 and switching to renewable energy for a proportion of its energy supply. Alongside solar and wind power, biomass energy will play a key role in this changeover, since more than two thirds of all renewable energy currently being supplied comes from biomass, which is the main energy carrier for renewable heating and fuel. Biotechnological energy conversion is a process that enables biomass to be converted into storable energy.
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21 Oct Smart Maintenance for Smart Factories – Driving Industrie 4.0 through smart maintenance

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
With Industrie 4.0, Germany is on the brink of a new industrial age in which smart factories – the intelligent factories of the future – will occupy a central role. In order to realise this vision, it will also be necessary to ensure that smart factories benefit from smart maintenance that is equipped to meet tomorrow’s challenges. Smart maintenance will help to secure jobs in industry, manage the complexity within smart factories and drive Industrie 4.0 by acting as an engine of innovation and a source of knowledge.
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21 Oct Moving people and goods – Developing integrated mobility and logistics to promote quality of life and prosperity

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Mobility is one of our basic needs as human beings. It provides us with independence, allows us to express our individuality and enables us to enjoy a full social life and participate actively in society. We need mobility to do our shopping, for example, and it is therefore essential for trade and supplying people with the goods they buy. Goods transport, production and trade are also facilitated by logistics. Efficient logistics networks are key to securing economic growth and enabling Germany's export trade to do business on the international market. The German logistics industry is worth 222 billion euros and employs 2.8 million people, making it the country's third largest industry. Logistics is also a high-tech business with enormous market potential both nationally and internationally.
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21 Oct New autoMobility – The Future World of Automated Road Traffic

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Owing to developments in the field of assistance systems and automated driving, vehicles are taking over more and more elements of the driving tasks hitherto incumbent on the driver. Thus, automation and connectivity are under way of revolutionising the road transport system. In the present POSITION paper, the project group New autoMobility, a joint initiative by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and acatech, develops a target scenario of a world of automated road traffic in a future beyond 2030. It provides a set of usage scenarios addressing the challenges of our present mobility system. On the basis of these scenarios, the project group worked out specific policy recommendations for implementation in politics and society. They describe what steps must be taken to set the course towards automated road traffic and how best to take advantage of its ecological, economic and social benefits to promote public welfare. Contributors: Klaus, Vieweg, Werner, Damm
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21 Oct Intelligent Objects

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
The “digitization” of the world has advanced: New “intelligent” applications of the information and communication technologies were developed for both business and everyday life. A plethora of electronic assistants have entered offices, factories, stores, apartments and vehicles. Integrated with clothing or as body implants, intelligent objects come ever nearer to the human being. The authors describe the technological developments that made the triumph of intelligent objects possible. They point out economic potentials and social consequences and discuss ways to a successful development of the segment of intelligent objects.
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21 Oct Intelligent Objects – Small, Networked, Sensitive

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
A new technology is changing society and demands creative innovations. Visions of “intelligent” clothing and “intelligent” houses have been under discussion for quite a while now. In the meantime, the technology—perhaps not widely noticed—has achieved a new quality, however. The change does not only affect Germany’s economic future but also our individual living and working worlds. acatech makes recommendations for an economically successful and socially acceptable development in the sector of intelligent objects. Suitable framework conditions should be created so that Germany will be able to exploit the economic potential of this technology without it putting at risk the freedom and autonomy of the individual.
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21 Oct Cyber-Physical Systems. Innovation through software-intensive embedded systems

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Cyber-physical systems address the close link of embedded systems for the monitoring and control of physical processes by means of sensors and actuators via communication facilities with the global digital networks (“cyberspace”). Through event chains, this type of system makes possible a connection between events in physical reality and the digital network infrastructures available today. This allows for multifarious applications with great economic potential and strong innovative power. The full exploitation of the potential requires targeted scientific efforts, however, in the development of such systems in terms of methodology, technology, expenditure control and functional adequacy.
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21 Oct European Perspectives on Security Research

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Europe’s networked societies of today are shaped by a growing interconnection in almost all areas of life. The complexity of our infrastructures and the concurrent accessibility to means of destruction by terrorist groups and individual perpetrators call for innovative security solutions. However, such evolving innovations inevitably raise fundamental questions of concern in our societies. How do we balance the imperatives of securing our citizens and infrastructures on the one hand, and of protecting of our sacredly held civil liberties on the other? The topical network ‘Safety and Security’ of acatech – the German Academy of Science and Engineering – invited experts from the science academies of various European countries to share their perspectives on security research and the aspect of safety during a two-day workshop hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut in March 2010. The result is an overview of various security research programmes in Europe with the aim of revealing both common ground and major differences in security/risk perceptions, cultures and political practices within Europe. This publication is a compilation of contributions made during the workshop.
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21 Oct Internet of Services

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Simplifying the access to information on the Internet as the basis for the development of new services constitutes an essential goal of the THESEUS research program, initiated by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, which is scheduled for the period from 2007 to 2012. As part of the “Internet of Services” symposium held on September 14,  2010, acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, brought together experts from science and industry who discussed the interim findings of the research program as well as their possible implementation in innovative applications for Germany as a location for business and industry. With this symposium, acatech wants to make clear that the Internet of Services will be one of the pivotal components of the Internet of the future.
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21 Oct Nanoelectronics as Future Key Technology of Information and Communication Technology in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
As a basic and key technology, nanoelectronics is of fundamental importance for large areas of industrial production and value creation. Based on Germany’s great tradition and strong position in the field of semi-conductor technology as well as Germany’s strong position in terms of research in nanotechnology and nanoelectronics, the increase in the outsourcing of production locations closer to future target markets in Asia is viewed with considerable concern. The study on hand is to be understood as a recommendation for further action to bring it about that the main players in policy and industry draw the requisite factual and technical conclusions for a concerted action in the areas of industrial policy and research funding.
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