Academy’s advice and position paper

22 Oct On Designing Communication between the Scientific Community, the Public and the Media. Recommendations in light of current developments

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Science and journalism are among the essential pillars of a democratic society. Despite their necessary mutual independence and their often divergent purposes, both freedoms also fulfil similar functions. They supply policy-makers and society with a diverse array of information that is as reliable as possible, reinforcing the education and knowledge of the population and stimulating democratic discourse. They should also provide a basis for reasoned political, economic and technological decisions. The academies responsible for this position paper believe that the appropriate exercise of this function is being impaired by a series of developments in the scientific and media systems. For example, the economic conditions in both the media and the scientific community have noticeably changed in recent years. The academies are concerned about the aforementioned development and consider it necessary that the scientific community and the media itself, as well as political decision-makers and society, take a more active role in ensuring the future quality of generally accessible information, including scientific knowledge and its representation in the media. The recommendations expressed in the present policy paper aim to provide food for thought for decision-making authorities and in this way to counter the undesirable developments that have been observed.
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22 Oct Food for All Forever

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
The world population is increasing and with this the amount of mouths to feed. How do we ensure that our food systems are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable; and that the world’s poorest people are no longer hungry? The answer to this enormous question contains the right technological solutions and massive investments in research combined with the right policy directions. The report gives seven elaborated recommendations. Some of the most important are: 1. Use appropriate technology and opportunities offered by science. 2. Massive investments in infrastructure in rural areas to be made. 3. Implementation of better policies that prevent distortions in trade and competition.
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21 Oct Homage to a notorious scientist and spanish Navy Officer, Jorge Juan y Santacilia

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Jorge Juan's life and work. The Spanish Navy in the 18th Century. Jorge Juan: mathematician and astronomer. Naval engineering and naval engineers. Jorge Juan and naval engineers. "Navigation Compendium" by Jorge Juan and "Secret News of America …" by Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa. Naval architecture at maritime examination. Mechanics of the fluids at maritime examination. Warship evolution.
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21 Oct Acceptance of Technology and Infrastructures

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
There is hardly another subject in the context of new technologies that worries the public more than the presumed risks or impact on people’s familiar living surroundings. Whereas the focus of the resistance has been centered on nuclear power, carbon capture and carbon storage and green genetic engineering up to now, the expansion of renewable energies is coming increasingly under fire; e.g. by protests against new power grids and storage facilities. The same applies to mobility-related infrastructure projects; the latest instance was the particularly high-profile protest against “Stuttgart 21.” The statement by the Academy of Science and Engineering on hand not only analyzes the patterns of current acceptance discussions. It also offers recommendations for action to be taken for the improvement of the dialogue of social groups—including the communication on future topics such as nanotechnology or synthetic biology.
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21 Oct Position paper of the Presidium of PAS of 6 November 2012 concerning the Public Procurement Law

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
On rising the threshold of required tender procedures for expenses related to research (a commentary to the law in force). Rising the threshold will enable more expeditious scientific research and rise the competitiveness and innovativeness of Polish research institutions.
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21 Oct Shaping Technology Together – Early public involvement based on the example of artificial fotosynthesis (Short Version)

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Artificial fotosynthesis is a visionary technology that follows the example of plants in using sunlight to produce energy-rich hydrocarbons or other forms of energy. acatech discussed the opportunities and risks of artificial fotosynthesis with sections of the public at an early research stage. Interested members of the public were able to help shape utilisation of the technology and incorporate their ideals, ideas and concerns in its further development. Dialogue based on technology futures proved successful, but there is no perfect solution for public involvement.
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21 Oct Innovation potential of human-machine interaction (Short Version)

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Kaum eine technologische Entwicklung verändert aktuell unser Leben, Arbeiten und Denken so sehr wie die Digitalisierung. Das erkennen wir an den Maschinen und Geräten, die innerhalb von wenigen Jahren zu unseren selbstverständlichen Begleitern geworden sind. Über Smartphones halten wir unabhängig von Ort und Zeit zueinander Kontakt, intelligente Assistenzsysteme versorgen uns maßgeschneidert mit Informationen und Roboter entlasten uns am Arbeitsplatz und zunehmend auch im Haushalt. Gleichwohl stehen wir heute erst am Anfang dieser Entwicklung, die zu einer grundlegenden Transformation unseres Verhältnisses zu den uns umgebenden Maschinen führen wird. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Entwicklung muss dabei der Nutzen der Maschinen für den Menschen und die Gesellschaft stehen. Der acatech IMPULS fasst die wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Trends der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zusammen und gibt einen Überblick über die damit verbundenen Innovationspotenziale und Herausforderungen.
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21 Oct Materials Science and Engineering in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Materials are the basis of the production industry. Traditionally, Germany has been very strongly positioned in this sector. Despite the great economic significance of classic materials and new materials, public awareness of materials is very low. Consequently, the corresponding degree programs are pursued by only a small number of students. To advance its overall goals, such as the promotion of young scientists and engineers and the application of research results to technology, acatech, which is the German Academy of Science and Engineering, works to strengthen materials science and engineering in Germany. Research is largely bound to the classic disciplines. As a result, gaps open in the material-to-product chain, which in turn lead to a delayed interdisciplinary transfer and ultimately to a delay in the application of materials in innovation. The paper on hand is the result of the analysis conducted by a project group as part of the topical network of materials science and engineering of acatech. The current situation of materials science and engineering in Germany is described and the need for action presented.
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21 Oct Strategies for research prioritization – a comparison of six small to medium sized economies

Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering (IVA)
The report is the result of a preliminary study conducted under the project “Prioritisation of Research and Innovation”, which was conducted during 2009 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA.
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