Academy’s advice and position paper

21 Oct Sustainable Transport – Infrastructure 2035

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
An all island study of Sustainable Transport Infrastructure, to be delivered over the next 20 years, to support competitive economies, enhance social wellbeing and underpin optimum spatial planning.
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21 Oct BREXIT Implications for Transport Infrastructure Investment

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The report was prepared by an Academy taskforce and is one of a series that has and will continue to focus on important topics with a significant engineering dimension The Academy generally seeks to engage with issues of longer term import but on occasion will also address more pressing subjects with a view to helping to identify appropriate solutions. No issue is more immediate and pressing from the current Irish standpoint than that of Brexit. The ongoing uncertainties generated by the process of UK withdrawal from the EU as well as the dependence of a high proportion of Irish trade on either the British market or access to third countries via Great Britain pose significant risks requiring attention. This report on the implications for transport infrastructure investment is both timely and, it is intended as, a contribution by the Academy to the overall Brexit discussion.
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21 Oct IAE Response to Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s call for submissions to METROLINK proposal

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The Academy has made a response to Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s (TII) call for submissions in relation to its METROLINK proposal. The Academy’s proposals are in line with its Feb 2015 submission to the National Transport Authority (NTA) on Transport Strategy for the GDA 2015-2035 and its April 2016 report Sustainable Transport Infrastructure 2035. Both documents called for the development of Metro North/South, from Swords to Sandyford, as now proposed by TII. The Academy’s submission indicates that by choosing an alternative alignment, to that proposed between the M50 and the Royal Canal, the requirement for bored tunnelling could be substantially limited and the number of underground stations reduced from six to one, thus saving over €500m on civil engineering costs. The Academy also considers that the alternative alignment it put forward would also make a greater contribution to integrated land use and transport planning and make a comparable contribution to social inclusion. The Academy also identified a number of technical issues in the city area where alternative solutions may be more appropriate.
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21 Oct Mobile phone relay antennas

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
The NATF, along with the Academies of Sciences and Medicine, approves the conclusions (October 2009) of the independent French Agency of Environmental and Work Sanitary Security (AFSSET) related to radiofrequencies. A very complete and extended analysis of 226 recent publications shows that, in the experimental conditions and measurements employed, there is no convincing proof of any biological effect of radiofrequencies at non-thermal levels. The 3 Academies consider that the AFSSET’s study does not justify any reduction of human exposure to relay radiofrequencies antennas.
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21 Oct Intelligent Objects – Small, Networked, Sensitive

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
A new technology is changing society and demands creative innovations. Visions of “intelligent” clothing and “intelligent” houses have been under discussion for quite a while now. In the meantime, the technology—perhaps not widely noticed—has achieved a new quality, however. The change does not only affect Germany’s economic future but also our individual living and working worlds. acatech makes recommendations for an economically successful and socially acceptable development in the sector of intelligent objects. Suitable framework conditions should be created so that Germany will be able to exploit the economic potential of this technology without it putting at risk the freedom and autonomy of the individual.
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21 Oct Nanoelectronics as Future Key Technology of Information and Communication Technology in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
As a basic and key technology, nanoelectronics is of fundamental importance for large areas of industrial production and value creation. Based on Germany’s great tradition and strong position in the field of semi-conductor technology as well as Germany’s strong position in terms of research in nanotechnology and nanoelectronics, the increase in the outsourcing of production locations closer to future target markets in Asia is viewed with considerable concern. The study on hand is to be understood as a recommendation for further action to bring it about that the main players in policy and industry draw the requisite factual and technical conclusions for a concerted action in the areas of industrial policy and research funding.
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21 Oct Cloud Computing

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Die Veränderungen der Informationstechnologie durch Cloud Computing (CC) birgt ein grosses Potenzial für Innovationen und Effizienzsteigerungen in sich. Diese sollen in allen Sektoren der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft bestmöglich genutzt werden. Entsprechend hat die SATW-Themenplattform ICT im April 2012 einen Workshop unter Experten zum Thema CC durchgeführt. Als Resultat wurde ein White Paper aus der Perspektive der Schweiz mit einer Situationsanalyse, Fokusthemen und einem Aktionsplan zum Thema Education Cloud erstellt. Die Studie soll Chancen und Defizite aufdecken, um sicherzustellen, dass die Schweiz eine führende Rolle in der Thematik übernehmen wird.
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21 Oct Internet Privacy. Taking opportunities, assessing risks, building trust

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Few technologies have changed our lives as rapidly and profoundly as the Internet. There are now more than 1.5 billion Web users around the world, with at least 50 million in Germany. Internet users enjoy easy access to information and are able to shop online and communicate with each other via free video calls. The Internet is spawning new business models, creating new jobs and transforming business processes both within and between companies and public administrations. It also provides the infrastructure for the smart power grids that will be needed to realise the transition to sustainable energy. Cyber-Physical Systems controlled via the Web will facilitate efficient use of manufacturing resources and energy in the factories of the future.
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21 Oct Future Business Clouds Cloud computing in Germany – requirements, national activities and global competition

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
The unabated growth of the Internet is triggering fundamental changes to the world we live in. Advances in information and communication technology are leading to the emergence of a digital service landscape where almost every product or service.
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