– Classification of themes – All

21 Oct Solutions and equipment realized by ICPE ACTEL for energy efficiency increasing of offshore and onshore drilling / Soluţii şi echipamente realizate de ICPE ACTEL pentru creşterea eficienţei energetice a forajului electric marin şi terestru

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The proposed paper intends to be a crowning of commune efforts of researchers and developers of solutions and electric equipment used in offshore and onshore drilling, realized by ICPE ACTEL during over 45 years of activity in this important field of prospecting hydrocarbons.
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21 Oct Advanced solution for CO2 capture and storage and superior recovery methane Jiu Valley / Soluţie avansată pentru captarea şi stocarea CO2 şi valorificarea superioară a gazului metan din Valea Jiului

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper proposes an integrated project for CO2 storage - CH4 recovery and valorization will lead to a substantial reduction of the integrated project costs, which will influence the delivering price for the produced energy.
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21 Oct Innovation in technology-based companies

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
A summary of a meeting organised by the Royal Academy of Engineering 19 July 2012 at 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG.
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21 Oct Meet the innovators

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
Researcher case studies - As part of the Academy's Engineering for Growth campaign, this collection of case studies profiles the work of engineers engaged in the Academy's research schemes, across multiple disciplines.
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21 Oct Fuelling prosperity

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
Research and innovation as drivers of UK growth and competitiveness - A joint statement from the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society.
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21 Oct Made for the future

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
A report exploring future ways of making, using and recycling consumer goods, setting out the challenges for designers and manufacturers in creating a sustainable domestic supply chain.
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21 Oct Driving German Innovation. The role of incubator organisations in the promotion of hightech academic spin-offs

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Germany needs innovation. New high-tech solutions provide sustainable responses to fundamental changes in society such as an aging population, greater urbanisation, climate change and the evolution of renewable energies. They ensure prosperity and economic growth. Global competition also drives the demand for popular technological exports bearing the label “made in Germany”. In addition, Germany’s lack of natural resources has led to the development of a knowledge-driven economy with a high demand for continuous innovation.
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21 Oct Technology Futures Anticipation − Creation − Assessment

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Different ideas about what the future holds play a key role in debates about technology in our society. These ideas are expressed in a variety of ways, for example as predictions, scenarios or visions. Some are produced by scientists using techniques such as model-based scenarios, others – such as science-fiction novels or movies – are conceived by artists, whilst others embody expectations or fears that are publicly communicated by the media..
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21 Oct Technological Sciences Discovery – Development – Responsibility

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
What are the technological sciences? What are their characteristics and what sets them apart from other scientific disciplines? How did the technological sciences become established and what role do technology and the technological sciences play in our society? Despite their importance to our society, the technological sciences have hitherto been largely neglected by traditional scientific research. Moreover, the people working in the technological sciences have themselves given little thought to the principles and fundamental questions of their discipline. acatech provides advice on strategic science and engineering issues to policymakers and the public. In order to do this effectively, we also need to examine our own discipline. With this acatech IMPULS Paper the National Academy of Science and Engineering wants to encourage discussion of the technological sciences as a knowledge system both within and outside of acatech.
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