– Classification of themes – All

21 Oct The Real Academia de Ingenieria headquarters. The history of the Villamagna Palace

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The urban environment of Villafranca Marquises’ Palace up to the 19th Century. Palace building, structure, decoration and life stages. A new nobility stage. The property breaking down. Bibliography.
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21 Oct Philosophy of Engineering: Volume 1 of the proceedings of a series of seminars held at The Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
The papers in this volume are from the first three of a series of seminars in the philosophy of engineering organised by The Royal Academy of Engineering. The papers were given by philosophers and engineers with an interest in the philosophy of engineering who were invited to speak on a given theme, as described below. The results are a series of papers of great variety, showing a range of different perspectives on the philosophical issues that engineering raises. It is hoped that these will spark philosophical interest and will lead to further, deeper consideration of the topics explored in the seminars.
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21 Oct Privacy and Prejudice

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
This report presents the findings of the public attitudes research project that was embedded within the wider engagement programme to explore young people’s views on the development of an EPR system in the UK and its use in medical research.  A number of questions emerged and recommendations were made based on the findings of this report. The report concludes that these need to be addressed by the National Health Service (NHS), the commissioners and regulators of EPRs, the engineers and developers that will design and build the records systems and databases, and the users and medical researchers that will have access to the data if the system is to be one that has wide support amongst the younger generation. Furthermore, the responses to these questions and recommendations need to be communicated to young people, so that they can make an informed choice about their records.
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21 Oct Homage to a notorious scientist and spanish Navy Officer, Jorge Juan y Santacilia

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Jorge Juan's life and work. The Spanish Navy in the 18th Century. Jorge Juan: mathematician and astronomer. Naval engineering and naval engineers. Jorge Juan and naval engineers. "Navigation Compendium" by Jorge Juan and "Secret News of America …" by Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa. Naval architecture at maritime examination. Mechanics of the fluids at maritime examination. Warship evolution.
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21 Oct Acceptance of Technology and Infrastructures

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
There is hardly another subject in the context of new technologies that worries the public more than the presumed risks or impact on people’s familiar living surroundings. Whereas the focus of the resistance has been centered on nuclear power, carbon capture and carbon storage and green genetic engineering up to now, the expansion of renewable energies is coming increasingly under fire; e.g. by protests against new power grids and storage facilities. The same applies to mobility-related infrastructure projects; the latest instance was the particularly high-profile protest against “Stuttgart 21.” The statement by the Academy of Science and Engineering on hand not only analyzes the patterns of current acceptance discussions. It also offers recommendations for action to be taken for the improvement of the dialogue of social groups—including the communication on future topics such as nanotechnology or synthetic biology.
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21 Oct Business motivations for engaging the public in science and engineering

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
The results of this study show that the way to build public engagement capacity with business is to focus on purpose rather than process. The idea of framing any discussion around public engagement is likely to be ineffective: businesses will respond to specific and distinct projects that meet their business objectives. As such, any strategy to engage business needs to think in terms of educational goals, policy effectiveness, social outcomes and how these align to business goals and motivations. The process to achieve this will follow from understanding those needs.
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21 Oct Engineering the Olympics

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
The 2011 Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust Lecture.  The construction work for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is a complex job. It has been compared to building two of the Heathrow Terminal 5 in half the time.  This lecture was delivered by John Armitt, Chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), the body responsible for delivering this work. In his lecture he will describe the various engineering and construction challenges from governance, land assembly, budget agreement, stakeholder relations, planning, programme management and how they were overcome.
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21 Oct Achieving excellence in engineering education: the ingredients of successful change

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
France is a major player in nuclear physics and its applications, in particular in the electro-nuclear energy domain. The monograph is a widely accessible synthesis of the nuclear energy sector development in France. It describes the stakes of nuclear technologies and the challenges to overcome to make political and technical choices. The author analyses the importance of organisational structures and of the human factors to successfully develop programs and to overcome difficulties.
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21 Oct Position paper of the Presidium of PAS of 6 November 2012 concerning the Public Procurement Law

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
On rising the threshold of required tender procedures for expenses related to research (a commentary to the law in force). Rising the threshold will enable more expeditious scientific research and rise the competitiveness and innovativeness of Polish research institutions.
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21 Oct Professional engineering governance

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
A briefing paper that addresses the role engineers play in making strategic high-level decisions in a wide range of organisations from private companies, both big and small, to government agencies.
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