Communications to the Academy by its members

01 Sep Global political economics in times of COVID-19. Rebound or collapse

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
On 30 September 2020, Mr Ricardo Hausmann, academician of the RAI and Professor with a Chair in International Economic Policy Rafik Hariri Growth Lab. Harvard University, gave an online master lecture on "Global Political Economics in times of COVID-19. Rebound or collapse".  
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28 Mai The challenge of wood based construction

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Wood like structural element. The tree, anatomy and stresses. Influence of physical and mechanical factors in wood properties. Previous and current conditions: Evolution of joining methods. The laminated stuck wood and its adhesives. Current State. Design strategies. Constructive aspects. Solutions to avoid or neutralize perpendicular traction presence. Swelling and wastage. Endurance. Protection against fire. Traditional joints categories. Mechanical Unions. Peg unions. Surface connectors.
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01 Mar Futurist Lecture Series

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
As a result of the cooperation between the Royal Academy of Engineering and Fundación La Caixa (La Caixa Foundation), a series of lectures are being held under the title Futurists: Engineering and its new challenges, in Madrid, and will continue in the cities of Seville and Zaragoza, and are given by academicians of the RAI. Due to the global health situation, only two of the planned lectures could be held in 2020. The first of these lectures, Will we run out of water?, was given by Mr Elías Fereres, academician of the RAI, on 5th March 2020, who recalled that life on the Planet is not possible without water, and in the case of human beings, in addition to hydrating one’s body, water is essential for the production of food. The second of these conferences, Artificial Intelligence: Fiction and reality, was given by Nuria Oliver on 24th September 2020.    
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19 Fév Artificial intelligence: The value of data (2nd session)

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The session organised jointly with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and the Young Academy of Spain took place on 19th February 2020. Artificial Intelligence (AI), both conceptually and its applications and subsequent effects - real, possible or simply imagined - is currently receiving intense and massive attention, often unrewarded because of limited knowledge about it.
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01 Jan Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies for the SDGs

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
An important group of researchers participated in the study, directed by the academician Mr Francisco Herrera, of which he is also co-author. This work has progressed very substantially throughout 2020. The paper "Engineering as enabler of the SDGs: Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Digital Technologies", analyses a set of current digital technologies that interrelate with artificial intelligence to move forward in the challenges facing the global economy and society of the 21st century.
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01 Jan Greenhouse gas emissions in the agri-food system

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The study "Greenhouse gas emissions in the agri-food system and the carbon footprint of food in Spain", which began in the last academic year, has continued to be developed. It is estimated that all stages of the "agri-food system" are responsible for 27% of global anthropogenic GGE emissions.
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01 Jan Factsheet “Autonomous Mobility”

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
January 2020
Authors: Wolfgang Kröger et al. Main themes: autonomous mobility Nature of publication: factsheet English abstract (150 to 200 words): The future aim of highly and fully automated vehicles with corresponding drive systems is to free drivers from often tedious tasks, eliminate them as a source of danger, and make more efficient use of infrastructure. They require an almost unimaginably high level of digitalisation, artificial intelligence usage and innovative networking to enable extremely complex systems to emerge. Autonomous vehicles are currently at an early stage of development, planning or even testing. Details of initial authorisations and commercial availability are still far off: sceptics dismiss this as just hype, proponents talk about it soon becoming a reality. This is supported by billions in investment from large countries such as the USA, China, and Germany, as well as gigantic technology and service conglomerates such as Alphabet-Waymo, Uber and leading automobile manufacturers. A realistic timeframe seems to be 20 years until highly automated vehicles penetrate the market, with at least 40 years for fully automated versions. Autonomous shuttles, taxi fleets, computer-guided lorry convoys and traffic on the outskirts of major cities will most likely lead the charge. The small brochure provides a detailed overview of the current challenges on a technical, legal, environmental, and social level, and shows some potential benefits.
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24 Nov Energy and Innovation Observatory

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The conference "Towards a competitive development of demand management", organised within the framework of the Energy and Innovation Observatory in collaboration with Endesa, took place on 26th November 2019, with the participation of the Secretary of State for Energy, Mr José Domínguez Abascal, who showed the Spanish Government’s view on demand management. The conference was divided into two well defined sessions, the first addressing demand management, an opportunity for consumers, and the second regulatory barriers to the development of demand management.
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24 Oct Observatory: Digitalisation of the Media

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The Observatory was created in 2017 as a result of the collaboration of the Royal Academy of Engineering with RTVE with the aim of carrying out research activities, study, exchange of knowledge and dissemination of experiences on the digital transformation of the audio-visual sector. On 30th October 2019, an informative session of the 2nd Call of Impulsa Visión RTVE took place at RAI. Research Grants for Official Master's Degree Studies, which on this occasion was aimed at completing master’s degree Final Projects (TFM), the subject matter dealing with linear broadcasting of audio-visual content through 5G networks
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22 Oct A statistical model aiming to the evaluation of materials fatigue effects

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Introduction and motivation to materials fatigue problems. Models based on stresses. Models based on deformations. Models based on mechanics of the fracture. Damage models and damage accumulation.
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