18 Oct Monitoring of Motivation Concepts for Young Professionals in Technology (MoMoTech)
Posted at 12:22h
in - Classification of publications - All, - Classification of themes - All, - Member Academies - All, Academic report, by a Commission or a Working Group, Demography, Education, Training, Employment, National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) 2011Many institutions, corporations, clubs, associations and individuals in Germany are committed to the promotion of young talent in science and engineering at this point. In particular in the extracurricular area, many projects and programs have emerged over the last years. The offers include the promotion of general interest in technology to the promotion of talents up to the search for junior staff for companies. But how effective are these multifarious initiatives and projects with regard to the objectives? The Academy’s “MoMoTech” project addresses this question by applying the methods of empirical social research. Alongside a comprehensive stock-taking of model projects for technological and engineering education and the creation of a database, the entities and initiators of such projects were interviewed and the project biographies traced. Beyond that, 16 projects were selected, ranging from the “garage project” to the large “technology event,” and evaluated in terms of effectiveness for the target groups focused on. On the basis of these findings, the study infers a number of success indicators as well as scientifically sound recommendations for action, providing an important stimulus for the political, didactic and methodological debate about technological and engineering education.