Information and Communication Technologies

23 Avr From system-level to investment-level Sustainability. An epistemological one-way street

A report of the Royal Academy of Belgium
Authors: Max Krahé. Main themes: public investment in private enterprises, advancing socially and environmentally sustainable development.  
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23 Avr Du partage de la connaissance et de la promotion d’une « science ouverte » / On sharing knowledge and fostering « open science »

A report of the Royal Academy of Belgium / Un rapport de l'Académie royale de Belgique
Authors: Document stemming from the work undertaken by the “Dissemination of Science” Group of the Royal Academy of Belgium, headed by Erol Gelenbe and comprising Guy Brasseur, Luc Chefneux, Véronique Dehant, Véronique Halloin, Jean-Paul Haton, Michel Judkiewicz, Bernard Rentier and Romain Weikmans. Main themes: dissemination of knowledge in the context of reducing the climate footprint.
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05 Oct Understanding COVID-19. Report of the COVID-19 Advisory Team at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)

A report delivered by a team of scientists, working under the supervision of Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, president of the Academy, presents the current state of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19 disease and its medical, psychological, economic and social impacts. In an accessible manner, this document provides forecasts of the COVID-19 epidemic for the upcoming winter season and recommendations for citizens and institutions. The publication includes information about the course of the disease and treatment, phases of pandemic development and its implications for human health. The study provides verified information on prevention and presents current works on coronavirus vaccines. Among other topics covered are preparations for a winter COVID-19 peak, including the opening of educational institutions, and the risk of co-infection.

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24 Oct Observatory: Digitalisation of the Media

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The Observatory was created in 2017 as a result of the collaboration of the Royal Academy of Engineering with RTVE with the aim of carrying out research activities, study, exchange of knowledge and dissemination of experiences on the digital transformation of the audio-visual sector. On 30th October 2019, an informative session of the 2nd Call of Impulsa Visión RTVE took place at RAI. Research Grants for Official Master's Degree Studies, which on this occasion was aimed at completing master’s degree Final Projects (TFM), the subject matter dealing with linear broadcasting of audio-visual content through 5G networks
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21 Oct Mobile phone relay antennas

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
The NATF, along with the Academies of Sciences and Medicine, approves the conclusions (October 2009) of the independent French Agency of Environmental and Work Sanitary Security (AFSSET) related to radiofrequencies. A very complete and extended analysis of 226 recent publications shows that, in the experimental conditions and measurements employed, there is no convincing proof of any biological effect of radiofrequencies at non-thermal levels. The 3 Academies consider that the AFSSET’s study does not justify any reduction of human exposure to relay radiofrequencies antennas.
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21 Oct Intelligent Objects

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
The “digitization” of the world has advanced: New “intelligent” applications of the information and communication technologies were developed for both business and everyday life. A plethora of electronic assistants have entered offices, factories, stores, apartments and vehicles. Integrated with clothing or as body implants, intelligent objects come ever nearer to the human being. The authors describe the technological developments that made the triumph of intelligent objects possible. They point out economic potentials and social consequences and discuss ways to a successful development of the segment of intelligent objects.
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21 Oct Intelligent Objects – Small, Networked, Sensitive

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
A new technology is changing society and demands creative innovations. Visions of “intelligent” clothing and “intelligent” houses have been under discussion for quite a while now. In the meantime, the technology—perhaps not widely noticed—has achieved a new quality, however. The change does not only affect Germany’s economic future but also our individual living and working worlds. acatech makes recommendations for an economically successful and socially acceptable development in the sector of intelligent objects. Suitable framework conditions should be created so that Germany will be able to exploit the economic potential of this technology without it putting at risk the freedom and autonomy of the individual.
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21 Oct Cyber-Physical Systems. Innovation through software-intensive embedded systems

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Cyber-physical systems address the close link of embedded systems for the monitoring and control of physical processes by means of sensors and actuators via communication facilities with the global digital networks (“cyberspace”). Through event chains, this type of system makes possible a connection between events in physical reality and the digital network infrastructures available today. This allows for multifarious applications with great economic potential and strong innovative power. The full exploitation of the potential requires targeted scientific efforts, however, in the development of such systems in terms of methodology, technology, expenditure control and functional adequacy.
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