Demography, Education, Training, Employment

18 Oct Value Creation and Employment in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
At the latest with the onset of the financial crisis, the subject of economic growth and thus of value creation has come to the forefront of public interest. The sustained discussion about limited resources and demographic change reinforces the mistrust that some parts of society harbor against so-called “economic growth.” This acatech volume discusses the question as to how growth that entails growing prosperity is possible given the limited resources and impending demographic changes and makes the argument for a new type of growth: growth that, on the one hand, secures the wealth and employment level in Germany and, on the other, is not exclusively dependent on finite resources. The innovative capacity of Germany plays a huge role in terms of this “new” growth, which is not only based on “more of the same.”.
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18 Oct Monitoring of Motivation Concepts for Young Professionals in Technology (MoMoTech)

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Many institutions, corporations, clubs, associations and individuals in Germany are committed to the promotion of young talent in science and engineering at this point. In particular in the extracurricular area, many projects and programs have emerged over the last years. The offers include the promotion of general interest in technology to the promotion of talents up to the search for junior staff for companies. But how effective are these multifarious initiatives and projects with regard to the objectives? The Academy’s “MoMoTech” project addresses this question by applying the methods of empirical social research. Alongside a comprehensive stock-taking of model projects for technological and engineering education and the creation of a database, the entities and initiators of such projects were interviewed and the project biographies traced. Beyond that, 16 projects were selected, ranging from the “garage project” to the large “technology event,” and evaluated in terms of effectiveness for the target groups focused on. On the basis of these findings, the study infers a number of success indicators as well as scientifically sound recommendations for action, providing an important stimulus for the political, didactic and methodological debate about technological and engineering education.
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18 Oct Metallurgy: Science and Engineering

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
Metallurgy, the science of metals and the technical disciplines concerned with the production, shaping and assembling of metals, is one of the major assets of European economy. The analysis in this book is, however, strictly limited to the French situation but, with additional work, could be extended to Europe. The current state of metallurgy in France is not good. It can rapidly become catastrophic if nothing is done to remedy to it quickly. The report repositions metallurgy in its double role of a science and engineering discipline form two perspectives: of “needs” and of “opportunities”. It provides 5 key recommendations for immediate actions.
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18 Oct Respected Technical qualifications selected for use in University Technical Colleges

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
In March 2011, the Baker-Dearing Trust in conjunction with Edge asked the Royal Academy of Engineering to identify the technical qualifications in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) that would be respected by the STEM community
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18 Oct Part II of the book focuses on interdisciplinary evaluation of the development of the contemporary world in the context of globalisation

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
Four dominant processes have shaped the contemporary vision of the world; the first process was the one to change the distribution of power in global economy. The traditional division between the wealthy North and the poor South requires dramatic changes not only in its explanation, but also in what legitimises such a division in the first place, mainly because the so-called emerging markets are gaining importance within global economy. Furthermore, recent changes in global economy have been caused by the mechanisms other than those prevailing two or three decades ago, which since then have been considered as unquestionable paradigms of economic development. Apart from that, the financial sector has grown significantly so as to become the most powerful sector of economy in the last decades. This phenomenon is defined as the appearance of virtual economy, disconnected to a great extent from real economy. Such disconnectedness was the main factor in the last global economic crisis and growing national debts. Last but not least, due to (although not only) information revolution, economy has undergone rapid structural changes in the area of the sector of services, which is becoming the dominant sector in developed countries, both from the perspective of GDP and of employment.
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18 Oct Slovenia need a new Vision of Economic and Social Development (1 + 4 + 16 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Slovenia is falling behind in technological development because of economic reasons as well as because technological intelligence has been left out from deciding on key questions on economic, predominantly industrial, and general society development. Slovenian Academy of Engineering has carried out consultations to point out, for the public and decision-makers, the inadequate state on different fields that are creating the present economic crisis. The position paper is divided in three parts: first, named “Initiative for New Industrial Development of Slovenia” is summarizing 7 propositions from the position paper. Second, named “Vision, Direction, Propositions” is dividing propositions in three main fields: industrial policy, education and research and is presenting together 17 propositions. Third part, named “Purpose of the Initiative and Propositions of Slovenian Academy of Engineering”, is further explaining propositions from first two parts. The position paper was distributed together with the Comparative Analysis of Higher Education, Research, Development, Innovations and Economy Achievements of Slovenia to relevant state institutions and other interested organisations.
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18 Oct Framework of Spatial Planning in the Region of Epirus. Sustainability as set-square

Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG)
Topics: - Spatial and Urban Planning in the Region of Epirus - The location in the Region of Epirus in national and European area - Data - trends - prospects - Guidelines for Sustainable Development in the Region of Epirus - Action Plan (highlighting of the natural environment, aquatic and marine environment, management of solid and water waste, activities to strengthen productive sectors)
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18 Oct Policies of the European engineering academies regarding the forming for an engineering career and also the increase of activity towards it / Politici ale academiilor de inginerie europene în problema formării pentru cariera inginerească şi creşterea

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
At the end of this paper, a series of conclusions are presented: ones to guide towards the increase of the attraction of the youth towards different engineering, math and physics domains, the importance of the engineer in the society, and in conjuction with this, the correct evaluation of the place and contribution that can be brought to the development of the society.
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18 Oct Continuing professional development in the fields of advanced automation, ICT and knowledge management / Formarea profesională continuă a inginerilor în domeniile automatică avansată, TIC şi managementul cunoştinţelor

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
In this paper are presented courses developed at the regional center from Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi. These courses have been developed based on the analysis made with industrial partners from the North-East Region on the engineers training needs in the three fields.
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18 Oct Research and Education on Renewable Energy Systems in the Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania / Cercetare și educație în domeniul sistemelor de energii regenerabile în cadrul Universității „Transilvania“ din Brașov, România

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper presents the strategy, actions and relevant results obtained in developing and implementing the concepts of Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Systems in the "Transilvania" University of Brasov, by integrating education and training (in the Faculty of Product Design and Environment) with research (in the R&D Centre Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling -RESREC).
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