Demography, Education, Training, Employment

18 Oct Socialisation in Early Childhood – Biological, psychological, linguistic, sociological and economic perspectives

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Creating conditions that best foster the development of each individual’s potential to the fullest is a fundamental socio-political objective. Not least because this approach ensures that a society as a whole is best able to achieve its own potential. Debating the details of these conditions is a matter of societal, political, as well as scientific debates. One recurrent topic of public discussions has been the role of genetic influences and the significance of the environment in early stages of human development. Another issue moving to the center of attention of German politics and society in recent years has been the question of childcare and early education. This position statement brings together extensive research on early childhood from multiple disciplines, condensing it into an intelligible form and highlighting the conclusions that may be drawn from it. Taking this body of interdisciplinary research as a starting-point, this position statement outlines socialisation in early childhood and confirms the immense significance of this period and the developments completed within it for later life, while vividly illustrating interactions between genetic predispositions and environmental experience.
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18 Oct Government Debt: Causes, Effects and Limits

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Seit der schweren Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2007/2008, der Verankerung der Schuldenbremse im Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2009 und der Schuldenkrise einiger Eurostaaten seit 2010 wird das schon lange virulente Streitthema „Staatsschulden“ in der öffentlichen Debatte noch intensiver diskutiert. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die mehrheitlich der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften und den in der Akademienunion zusammengeschlossenen Wissenschaftsakademien angehören, geben darin Antworten auf grundsätzliche Fragen der Staatsverschuldung. Sie wollen damit zur Versachlichung der oft auch emotional geführten Diskussion beitragen. Die Argumente und Standpunkte, die in den Medien, von politischen Entscheidungsträgern und auch von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern zum Thema Staatsschulden vertreten werden, sind ebenso kontrovers wie vielfältig. Besonders in Deutschland ist die Diskussion aufgrund der Erfahrung zweier großer Inflationen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts auch von der Befürchtung geprägt, dass hohe Staatsschulden letztlich wieder zu einer großen Inflation führen. Die interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften) strukturiert in ihrer Analyse die Debatte und konzentriert sich in ihrer Untersuchung auf die Bestimmungsfaktoren, die Wirkungen und – bei Gewährleistung der Nachhaltigkeit der Staatsfinanzen – auch auf die Einsatzbereiche der Staatsverschuldung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Dabei werden internationale Einflüsse und Abhängigkeiten sowie internationale Erfahrungen mitberücksichtigt.
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18 Oct Innovation System of Slovenia SLO (150 pages) SLO (and part of it ENG)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Publication of the conference with the same name organised by the Slovenian Academy of Engineering. The publication includes statements on the innovation systems in Slovenia, the Euro-CASE policy paper on European Innovation Policy, presentations of speakers at the conference and the yearly Analysis of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovations of Slovenia.
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18 Oct Innovative system of Slovenia (252 pages) SLO

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Following one of the main projects if IAS, IAS has made and published the Analysis of Sustainable Development of Slovenia, Analysis of Educational System in Slovenia, Analysis of Research, Development and innovative achievements of Slovenia. It includes recommendations for improvement on these topics.
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18 Oct Statements on Technical Education in Slovenia (5 pages) SLO

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Statements and recommendations on technical education in Slovenia from high school to university education is a product of the IAS working group for education. The statements were designed through the process of 2 thematic evenings and a final round table with IAS members and other experts, non-members of the Academy.
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18 Oct Biotechnology for all

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Biotechnological research is no longer limited to specialist laboratories: a growing community of biologists, amateur enthusiasts and technophiles is experimenting in kitchens, workshops and DIY laboratories. Some people view the democratisation of biotechnology as a threat, others as an opportunity to gain a better understanding of complex scientific interrelationships within society. A few years ago, something which occurred in software development in the early 1990s also began to emerge in the field of biotechnology: “open source” and “do-it-yourself” (“DIY”) strategies are opening up a field of knowledge traditionally occupied by experts, universities and large companies to a broader community. In 2008, a handful of technology enthusiasts in Boston set out to drag biotechnological research out of established institutions into garages and kitchens in urban and rural settings. Since then, Europe, the USA and Asia have seen the emergence of dozens of garage laboratories with scales, mixers, refrigerators and incubators, all purchased cheaply from eBay. Some laboratories are also equipped with homemade bioanalytical devices. Inquisitive laymen and experienced researchers conduct experiments shoulder to shoulder, pursuing personal biotech research projects or simply indulging in the satisfaction of DIY.
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18 Oct To free Prometheus – Technologies for humanity

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
In this book, edited on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the NATF, 25 Fellows express their personal viewpoints on a variety of subjects. The 4 main themes are: Human Life “Homo Sapiens”, Man in his Environment, Innovation in its Context, Prospective and Ethical Issues.
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18 Oct The Cost Effective Delivery of Essential Infrastructure

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
This report follows on from the earlier joint report by the Academy and Engineers Ireland on “Infrastructure for an island population of 8 million people” published in February 2010.  The report is framed within the context of the current serious economic and social environment on the island of Ireland. Two serious problems confront Ireland and Northern Ireland concerning investment infrastructure: - Lack of available capital - Requirement for sustained investment in critical infrastructure to permit essential economic growth and the maintenance of international competitiveness The report recognises that the current reduction in construction prices presents an opportunity to secure significant reductions in the non-construction costs of projects.  By streamlining processes and procedures for land acquisition, planning, public procurement, institutional arrangements, training, skills, funding and financing mechanisms and through synergies between projects in Ireland and Northern Ireland, major cost reductions can be achieved.
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18 Oct From Water Technology to Green Growth

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
What is needed in education, research and technological development to enhance the business potential for Danish companies within the water sector? ATV recommends a more intelligent and long-term management of water challenges. This can contribute to growth, sustainability and working places.
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17 Oct Position paper of the Committee on Mining of PAS – a letter to the European Commissioner for Energy

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
On climate and energy policies of the European Union. The document deals with matters of the energy safety of EU and its member states, employment, economy and its competitiveness.
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