
21 Oct Engineering Power – Vol. 12(1) 2017

Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
Vol. 12(1) 2017 - 20 pages - English Food producers are meeting numerous challenges nowadays, starting from increasing world population, eating habits, climatic changes, use of agricultural products in energy production, migration, increasing energy costs etc. Along with all these challenges and limited resources, food producers are obliged to produce sufficient quantities of safe and high quality food for the increasing world population. On the other hand, food industry generates large quantities of by-products that represent a large environmental problem, solved in most cases through landfills, composting, or animal feed. A large quantity of contemporary research deals with this issue and the top subject of many documents is the utilization of food industry by-products as potential raw materials for food. The reasons for this include the fact that many by-products contain a variety of nutrients, making them valuable as raw materials in the production and development of new products, among other reasons such as increasing food prices, large quantities of generated by-products, increasing cost of waste management, and increasing environmental concerns. Maintaining the quality of a product requires constant generation of certain quantities of by-products. These quantities are constantly growing, as the result of the increasing food production. The application of food industry by-products in food production results in various changes in products, depending on both the properties of the by-product, which includes the mode of application, and production conditions. To develop a product with desirable organoleptic characteristics, one has to know the properties of the raw materials and processes, and how to adjust recipes and introduce new technologies and/or processes, in order to obtain products as similar to the original as possible. During the realization of the project Application of Food Industry By-products in the Development of Functional and Environmentally Friendly Extruded Food Products and Additives (funded by the Croatian Science Foundation), we used raw materials and technologies that enabled us to develop products with increased nutritional value and desirable organoleptic characteristics. ”Green” technologies (supercritical CO2 extraction, extrusion with supercritical CO2) were used in by-product preparation and product finalization in order to obtain safe, high quality products and modified half-products that may be used in food production.
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21 Oct Opinion on State in Slovenia and Suggestions for Promotion of Economic Growth (3 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
In Slovenia in past 20 years there hasn’t been established an effective innovation policy nor a stable system of cooperation between science and economy. IAS has prepared an advice and position paper with short-, mid- and long-term measures on different fields: economy, education and research, and society. The paper was distributed to relevant state institutions and other interested organisations.
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21 Oct Strategy of Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Slovenia (50 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Analysis of educational system in Slovenia and Research, development and innovative achievements of Slovenia has now become an annual task and receives and generates substantial interest from interested parties. In 2012 it has been upgraded to Strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Slovenia. It contains propositions that connect engineering, industry, innovation, research, economy, environment, sustainability for further development of Slovenia.
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21 Oct Technology Highway – Consensus for an Innovative Slovenia (104 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Knowledge is the only way out of the economic crisis, is the foreword of the collection of articles  of speakers at the conference “Technology Highway - Consensus for an Innovative Slovenia”, organised by the Slovenian Academy of Engineering. The conference has discussed on the Strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Slovenia, the Euro-CASE Innovation platform and Horizon 2020. The collection of articles presents contributions of five speakers at the conference.
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21 Oct The Way to the German Academy of Science and Engineering

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Against the backdrop of the long-standing prehistory of the scientific positioning of engineering sciences, the publication presents the founding phase of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, which began in the middle of the 1990s, its players and the social framework conditions. Alongside the investigation of the position of engineering sciences within the Academies of Sciences since the onset of the 20th century, the discussion about the self-conception of the engineering sciences is traced, as well as an examination made of the erratic relationship of the engineering sciences to the state in the 20th century. Various aspects of the work of acatech on its way to an independent German Academy of Science and Engineering are elaborated, and the institutional development of the Academy up to the beginning of the presidency of Henning Kagermann and Reinhard Hüttl is presented.
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21 Oct Competing in the global economy

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
The Royal Academy of Engineering held a series of three debates between October 2010 and January 2011 in which Fellows of the Academy, senior engineers and other interested people from the government and policy, business, and academic communities were invited to consider and then to vote on motions that covered important issues affecting UK competitiveness in international markets.   The three debates covered wide-ranging issues affecting the UK’s competitiveness in the global economy, and each was self-contained. The points raised in the individual debates are summarised in this report.  The report also records a number of themes and common threads that emerged from the debates, reflecting wider concerns and areas where further investigation might be helpful.
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21 Oct Reform of the Water Sector in Ireland

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The Irish Academy of Engineering and Engineers Ireland delivered a joint response to the Water Services Section of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government on 23rd February 2012. This was in response to the Department’s request for the IAE’s/Engineers Ireland’s views on the DoECLG’s consultation paper on: - Water Sector Reform / (Consultation Paper), - Irish Water / Phase 1 Report, - Irish Water / Phase 1 Report, Appendices, and followed on from the earlier publication of another joint IAE/Engineers Ireland report entitled, “Delivering Ireland’s Water Services for the 21st Century” (July 2011)
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21 Oct Smart solutions, de AcTI-aanpak

Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI)
Ten geleide AcTI beoogt al 25 jaar de innovatie in Nederland te bevorderen. We bewandelen niet alleen gebaande wegen maar gebruiken ook nieuwe, slimme benaderingen, Smart Solutions. Een goed voorbeeld daarvan zijn de jaarlijkse Innovatieconferenties die sinds 2003 in een ander jasje steken. We pakken actuele thema’s aan, laten gezamenlijke afspraken maken en volgen de realisatie daarvan. Dit boekje brengt aan de hand van een negental interviews met direct betrokkenen afspraken uit het verleden in beeld, evenals de geboekte resultaten. Het resultaat is een fraaie bloemlezing van Smart Solutions via de AcTI aanpak, ze vormen de kern van deze jubileumuitgave.
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