21 Oct Jubilee Annual 2017-2018 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering
Posted at 11:00h
in - Classification of publications - All, - Classification of themes - All, - Member Academies - All, Academic report, by a Commission or a Working Group, Academy’s advice and position paper, Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ), Other
Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ) 2018The significant aim of this edition is to make a contribution to marking the 25th anniversary of our Academy through the organizational and historical review of activities over the past years and to make you familiar with the type and membership of the Academy. In addition to the informative presentation of the activities, an insight into the part of our members' scientific work is given so that the Annual also contains a series of recent original papers of some of our members, giving the Academy additional scientific value. The Annual presents a brief description of our normative acts with special reference to the Statute of the Academy. Three comprehensive papers are dedicated to the twenty-five-year history of the Croatian Academy of Engineering described through the memories of the previous historical presidents. The following chapter “National Awards and Decorations of the Members of the Croatian Academy of Engineering 1993-2018” and “Recipients of the Awards of the Academy 2002-2018” brings a list of our members who are the winners of social awards and decorations, and especially of traditional awards made by our Academy for years. It is an opportunity for our readers of the Jubilee Annual to get acquainted with our members and their number in the special chapter 'Members of the Academy in 2018 (Full Members of the Academy, Elected Members of the Academy, Emeriti of the Academy and Associates of the Academy in 2018 ', ' Honorary Members of the Academy in 2018 ',' Deceased Members of the Academy (all categories) 1993-2018’. As the Academy maintains cooperation with the rest of the scientific community, and especially with the economy, the next chapter 'Supporting Members of the Academy in 2018' also presents our current corporate members in the category of supporting members of the Academy. In 2017 the current leadership, i.e. the Governing Board, was elected, whose mandate lasts up to 2021. As this jubilee year falls within the scope of this mandate, we have found it desirable to present a shortened election program of work of the new Governing Board to give the reader an insight into the current activities of the Academy as presented at the end of the first part of the Annual in 'A Short Overview of the Work of the Governing Board of the Croatian Academy of Engineering 2017-2021 '. In order to become more familiar with the scope of the activities of our members whose quality and number we are proud of, the last part of the Annual presents in the form of 'Who is Who' in our Academy, as we have done earlier, the basic information about our members and the reader will surely then gain the impression of the significance of the Croatian Academy of Engineering today.