18 Oct White biotechnology and synthetic biology
Posted at 09:17h
in - Classification of publications - All, - Classification of themes - All, Academic report, by a Commission or a Working Group, Academy’s advice and position paper, Biotechnologies, Co-studies, Communications to the Academy by its members, National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF), Other publications, Society and Technology, Technologies and Health, Ten questions and answers on technology topics, Working group reports
National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF) 2012Biotechnology is the application of S&T to living organisms. White biotechnology (Bio-Based Industries - BBl) uses renewable carbon sources in fermentation processes to produce food compounds, fuels, specialties and chemical commodities, and plastics. Synthetic biology (SB) introduces engineering principles into biotechnology, promoting the emergence of a true bio-economy. Although endowed with a well-developed agriculture and BBI-related research, there are only about a dozen companies engaged in applications of SB to BBl in France, including start-ups, intermediate enterprises, and Total, resulting in few industrial realisations. The sector is considered risky by investors. A consistent effort to train engineers and PhD-students in these areas is essential. Regarding risks, traditional BBI-products must be distinguished from SB-products in specific sectors. Upstream from industrial SB-applications on a large scale, research on the security, safety, ethics, toxicology and ecotoxicology is vital. The academic SB community self-regulates its conduct in an effort of openness, transparency, anticipation and prevention of potential risks. Working-group leader: Pierre Monsan, director “Toulouse White Biotechnology” and NATF Fellow.