Author: administrateur

24 Nov Energy and Innovation Observatory

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The conference "Towards a competitive development of demand management", organised within the framework of the Energy and Innovation Observatory in collaboration with Endesa, took place on 26th November 2019, with the participation of the Secretary of State for Energy, Mr José Domínguez Abascal, who showed the Spanish Government’s view on demand management. The conference was divided into two well defined sessions, the first addressing demand management, an opportunity for consumers, and the second regulatory barriers to the development of demand management.
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28 Oct Municipal Solid Waste: What to do with the biodegradables?

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Based on the disciplines of biology, molecular biology, chemistry, biotechnology as well as information technology and engineering sciences, a new field of research is evolving, called synthetic biology. It has attracted special attention recently, also on an international basis. Synthetic biology can make an essential contribution to the gaining of knowledge in basic research. Beyond that, it opens up options for biotechnological applications in the medium term, i.e. in the area of new and improved diagnostic agents, vaccines and drugs as well as the development of new biosensors and biomaterials or even biofuels. Concurrently, the research area opens up new questions, e.g. about legal aspects in the context of biological safety or the protection from abuse; likewise, questions about the economic use and ethical aspects. Against this backdrop, the German Research Foundation (DFG), acatech, which is the German Academy for Science and Engineering, and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina have pooled their strengths and crafted a joint statement on possible opportunities and risks of synthetic biology.
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25 Oct The Construction Industry of the Future in a Globalization Perspective

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
In this report ATV discusses to what extent investors, developers, consultancy firms, manufacturers of construction products, distributors and contractors will undergo internationalization or participate in the globalization of the construction industry - What problems or benefits will it imply, and what will be the trends for the future.
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24 Oct Observatory: Digitalisation of the Media

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
The Observatory was created in 2017 as a result of the collaboration of the Royal Academy of Engineering with RTVE with the aim of carrying out research activities, study, exchange of knowledge and dissemination of experiences on the digital transformation of the audio-visual sector. On 30th October 2019, an informative session of the 2nd Call of Impulsa Visión RTVE took place at RAI. Research Grants for Official Master's Degree Studies, which on this occasion was aimed at completing master’s degree Final Projects (TFM), the subject matter dealing with linear broadcasting of audio-visual content through 5G networks
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22 Oct A statistical model aiming to the evaluation of materials fatigue effects

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Introduction and motivation to materials fatigue problems. Models based on stresses. Models based on deformations. Models based on mechanics of the fracture. Damage models and damage accumulation.
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22 Oct Time-domain database-assisted design of tall, flexible structures for wind

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper presents the Database-Assisted Design (DAD) framework for the time-domain approach. It then discusses the application of that framework to the analysis and design of tall buildings. The paper notes advantages of DAD in terms of transparency, accuracy, and convenience due to the effective automation of the design process.
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22 Oct Ground-Structure numerical models

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Modelos numéricos en dinámica suelo-estructura. The book shows some studies about the dynamic behavior of the structures, in which the interfaces with the floor is playing an important role, strongly variable along the time.
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22 Oct Reuse of water sources in a production environment

CNR, INFN, ITT and Politecnico di Torino consortium
Water represents a primary resource, essential for the future of our generations that must be more and more protected and preserved from an arbitrary and negligent use. Therefore, the sustainable management of water resources has become a challenge for the future, especially for the production sector, that must adopt the best actions to reduce its own impact on these limited sources. The seminar is the opportunity to be updated about the rules on water protection and related fulfilments and controls in the production sector. Moreover, it is the occasion to know some business experiences in sustainable management of water resources and the current quality of superficial and subterranean waters in Veneto Region.
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22 Oct Round Table Medical Technology – Ways to an Expedited Approval and Compensation Procedure for Innovative Medical Products

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Medical technology is an important component of health care—but many hurdles have to be overcome on the way from a clever idea to an innovation in medical technology that is successfully established on the market: a key problem is the long approval and compensation ways for innovations in medical technology that make difficult fast growth and thus the creation of jobs. acatech has been dedicated for several years now to an improvement of the structural conditions for the implementation of innovations in medical technology.With the “Round Table Medical Technology” event, an urgently needed discussion about the maintenance and promotion of the competitiveness of medical technology in Germany has been initiated. The publication summarizes the main positions of the Round Table and presents ways of making the access of new medical technology to the health care market easier.
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