Author: administrateur

21 Oct Reform of the Water Sector in Ireland

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The Irish Academy of Engineering and Engineers Ireland delivered a joint response to the Water Services Section of the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government on 23rd February 2012. This was in response to the Department’s request for the IAE’s/Engineers Ireland’s views on the DoECLG’s consultation paper on: - Water Sector Reform / (Consultation Paper), - Irish Water / Phase 1 Report, - Irish Water / Phase 1 Report, Appendices, and followed on from the earlier publication of another joint IAE/Engineers Ireland report entitled, “Delivering Ireland’s Water Services for the 21st Century” (July 2011)
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21 Oct Smart solutions, de AcTI-aanpak

Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI)
Ten geleide AcTI beoogt al 25 jaar de innovatie in Nederland te bevorderen. We bewandelen niet alleen gebaande wegen maar gebruiken ook nieuwe, slimme benaderingen, Smart Solutions. Een goed voorbeeld daarvan zijn de jaarlijkse Innovatieconferenties die sinds 2003 in een ander jasje steken. We pakken actuele thema’s aan, laten gezamenlijke afspraken maken en volgen de realisatie daarvan. Dit boekje brengt aan de hand van een negental interviews met direct betrokkenen afspraken uit het verleden in beeld, evenals de geboekte resultaten. Het resultaat is een fraaie bloemlezing van Smart Solutions via de AcTI aanpak, ze vormen de kern van deze jubileumuitgave.
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21 Oct Measuring the use of natural resources and its impacts (20 pages) German French English

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Natural resources are essential for all life – and they are finite. The growing consumption of resources per capita and the rapid growth of the world population are increasing the pressure on the Earth’s ecosystem and could become a burden for future generations. Must we limit our consumption? Or can we combat the scarcity of natural resources through technological advances and greater efficiency alone? It is up to society to decide how it wants to use natural resources. It must however quantify and measure the use of natural resources and the problems associated therewith, for example by means of indicators. In this brochure “Measuring the use of natural resources and its impacts” current methods and indicators for the four natural resource categories materials, land area, energy and water are presented and – as an example of how they are used – applied to the production of one kilogram each of the metals copper, lithium, neodymium and platinum. The spectrum of users today extends from individuals (for example in purchase decisions) and companies (for example in improving production processes) to nations or international communities of states (for example in political decisions as to whether to promote new technologies). The “100-year GWP” for example found practical application in Swiss legislation13 on the taxing of fuels.
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21 Oct The Future of Manufacturing in Ireland – Interim Report

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The report consists of a summary of papers drawn from fuller working papers, prepared by the Manufacturing Standing Committee, based on extensive consultations with interested stakeholders and reviews of national and international data and statistics. Taken in the global context the Manufacturing Sector in Ireland is facing serious challenges.  The trend of decline in manufacturing jobs will continue in the absence of major new initiatives to implement key related policies.  The report identifies 9 key policies/strategies that emerged from the study of the major Manufacturing clusters in Ireland. The examination of 7 major industrial clusters leads to the inclusion under each cluster of respective relevant policy/strategy requirements.
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21 Oct Better Life: Transforming Human Access to Knowledge

Technology Academy Finland (TAF)
The Millennium Technology Prize, awarded by Technology Academy Finland is awarded every two years to celebrate innovations that improve the quality of life. The report summarizes the winning innovations of the Prize since its beginning in 2004. The winners include Sir Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web, 2004), Shuji Nakamura (Blue and white LEDs, 2006), Robert Langer (Controlled drug release, 2008), Michael Grätzel (Dye-sensitized solar cells, 2010), Linus Torvalds (Open source operating system, 2012), Shinya Yamanaka (Ethical stem cell research, 2012), and Stuart Parkin (Increased data storage density, 2014).
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21 Oct Biotechnological energy conversion in Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Germany has committed to pulling out of nuclear power completely by 2022 and switching to renewable energy for a proportion of its energy supply. Alongside solar and wind power, biomass energy will play a key role in this changeover, since more than two thirds of all renewable energy currently being supplied comes from biomass, which is the main energy carrier for renewable heating and fuel. Biotechnological energy conversion is a process that enables biomass to be converted into storable energy.
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21 Oct Innovative courage

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
Based on a conference the report states four recommendations for Denmark to follow in order to be able to commercialise innovative ideas. Denmark needs political leadership and responsibility, leadership in businesses, leadership in education and incitements to promote innovative ideas created by the single employee.
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