Author: administrateur

21 Oct Risks related to manufactured nanoparticles – Ways of protection and prevention

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
In research labs as well as in industry, nanomaterials (at least partially made of nanoparticles) are the object of a growing interest. The have lead to many new industrial applications during the last few years and more are on the way. Knowledge about the hazards related to these new materials and nanoparticles issued of these nanomaterials is nevertheless limited, as well as their impact on the Human Health or on the Environment. The purpose of this communication is to assess this problem and to propose ways forward. It lists the present knowledge on the toxicity hazards for populations and the environment. The risks to workers, whether into the Research field or the industrial one are more particularly discussed.
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21 Oct The search of the usefulness. The long way of Homo Faber

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
En busca de la utilidad. La larga marcha del Homo Faber. The book analyses the search for the definition, identity and specificity of the Engineering.
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21 Oct Twenty years in the internationalization of the Spanish industry

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
Veinte años en la internacionalización de la empresa española. How the Spanish enterprises have developed their internationalization plans during the last 20 years
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21 Oct Shaping Technology Together – Early public involvement based on the example of artificial fotosynthesis (Short Version)

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Artificial fotosynthesis is a visionary technology that follows the example of plants in using sunlight to produce energy-rich hydrocarbons or other forms of energy. acatech discussed the opportunities and risks of artificial fotosynthesis with sections of the public at an early research stage. Interested members of the public were able to help shape utilisation of the technology and incorporate their ideals, ideas and concerns in its further development. Dialogue based on technology futures proved successful, but there is no perfect solution for public involvement.
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21 Oct Innovation potential of human-machine interaction (Short Version)

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Kaum eine technologische Entwicklung verändert aktuell unser Leben, Arbeiten und Denken so sehr wie die Digitalisierung. Das erkennen wir an den Maschinen und Geräten, die innerhalb von wenigen Jahren zu unseren selbstverständlichen Begleitern geworden sind. Über Smartphones halten wir unabhängig von Ort und Zeit zueinander Kontakt, intelligente Assistenzsysteme versorgen uns maßgeschneidert mit Informationen und Roboter entlasten uns am Arbeitsplatz und zunehmend auch im Haushalt. Gleichwohl stehen wir heute erst am Anfang dieser Entwicklung, die zu einer grundlegenden Transformation unseres Verhältnisses zu den uns umgebenden Maschinen führen wird. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Entwicklung muss dabei der Nutzen der Maschinen für den Menschen und die Gesellschaft stehen. Der acatech IMPULS fasst die wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Trends der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion zusammen und gibt einen Überblick über die damit verbundenen Innovationspotenziale und Herausforderungen.
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