Author: administrateur

17 Oct IAE Response to Green Paper on Energy

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
The submission to Government deals with the subjects of failures in EU Energy Policy, National Competitiveness, Electricity Sector, Natural Gas, Potential for Energy Conservation and Efficiencies and Low-Carbon Transport. It concludes with a summary of key issues that require to be addressed in the formulation of a new national energy policy, in the very different economic circumstances now prevailing in Ireland and the EU compared with the outlook in 2007, when the Government published its Energy Policy Framework, “Delivering a Sustainable Energy Future for Ireland”.
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17 Oct Implications of Continuing with Existing Policies – Information Bulletin 4

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
Initial Response to Energy Green Paper (2014) - Bulletin 4 of 5 on Key Policy Issues/Matters Arising
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17 Oct Opinion on the financing of start-up biotechnology-oriented pharmaceutical

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
This opinion focuses on the importance of providing France and Europe of new administrative and financial resources to develop successful biotechnology companies, involved in both phases of creation and boot in the development phase start-ups.
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17 Oct Exploring the French reserves of hydrocarbon source rock (shale oil and gas)

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
L’autonomie énergétique est un objectif majeur pour la France et l’Europe. Stratégiquement, notre pays peut-il renoncer à la recherche de nouvelles ressources énergétiques dans son sol ? La demande énergétique ne baissera pas significativement à court terme. Le développement de l’éolien et du solaire, en plus de son impact sur la hausse des prix de l’électricité, exigera plus d’énergie de support rapide lors des variations soudaines de vent ou d’ensoleillement. L’hydraulique n’y suffira plus et les turbines à gaz seront utilisées même si elles sont émettrices de CO2. Le gaz est incontestablement une source d’ajustement et de flexibilité du réseau électrique et, s’il provient de notre sol, offre une capacité à négocier sur les marchés de l’énergie.
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17 Oct The role of the Engineering in the energy sector: status and perspectives

Real Academia de Ingenieria (Spain) (RAI)
El papel de las ingenierías en la energía: situación y perspectivas. As long as in the power generation, transmission and distribution, the Engineering runs from the conceptual design till the operation stage, and is strongly, in some case decisively, involved.
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17 Oct Engineering for a Successful Nation

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
Joint publication with Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Report of key findings from an assessment of the economic returns of engineering research and postgraduate training in the UK.
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