Author: administrateur

17 Oct Heat island mitigation in urban environments through green surfaces integration in the building envelope / Diminuarea efectelor insulei de căldură în aglomerările urbane utilizând soluţii specifice clădirilor verzi

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
This paper supports the validity of green surface integration solutions by analyzing their effects on indoor climate, in comparison with conventional systems. The analysis is based on computer simulated models of the heat transfer phenomena under variable conditions, with respect to external climatic parameters influenced by the Heat Island effects.
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17 Oct Innovative CAE / testing solutions for wind turbines

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The authors present the development of a consistent modeling and simulation approaches to correctly describe the realistic behavior of wind turbines. The Hybrid Engineering allows simulation and optimization of the performance of mechanical systems for structural integrity, noise and vibration, acoustics, system dynamics and durability, from the initial concept to the complete modeling and simulation of components and the full wind turbine.
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17 Oct Modeling, simulation and valdation of the hydropower units dynamics by co-simulation

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper presents the authors' theoretical and experimental research in the field of numerical simulation of fluid transients from the pipelines of the high head hydropower units, used for frequency control in large power systems including wind and solar unpredictable energy sources.
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17 Oct Automatic voltage regulation in medium voltage networks combined with renewable energy sources / Controlul tensiunii în reţelele de medie tensiune în care sunt conectate surse regenerabile de energie

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper proposes a solution of UPQC (Unified Power Quality Conditioner) type to compensate the voltage variations and to provide an actually constant voltage at the terminals of the users with sensitive receivers. The experimental study performed for the developed installation emphasized good response characteristics both in normal and disturbed operating conditions.
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17 Oct Urban climate certification – condition of mitigation the urban heat island on thermal comfort in buildings in summer

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper presents the aim and objectives of modernizing the energy system of current buildings as well as of designing and executing new buildings with high Energy and Environmental Performance. It is necessary to refer to the European Strategy (Europe 2020) and to the European Directives, transposed into the national legislation, while the technical and economic solutions to the objectives resulting from the above mentioned purpose complete the dimension of the logical structure of this procedure for reaching the objectives.
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17 Oct The future of electricity supply

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Der Umstieg auf Erneuerbare Energien sowie der grosse Erneuerungs- und Ausbaubedarf bei der Produktion und Übertragung lassen einen grundlegenden Umbau des Elektrizitätssystems erwarten. Die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz begrüssen, dass der Bund einen klaren Rahmen für die Energiepolitik der nächsten Jahre schaffen will. Sie unterstützen grundsätzlich die in der neuen Energiepolitik enthaltene Ausrichtung, Energie effizienter zu nutzen und die erneuerbare Stromproduktion auszubauen. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ziel ist die Integration der schweizerischen Stromversorgung in den europäischen Markt.
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17 Oct How to encourage the renewable production of electricity?

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
In der Schrift erörtern die Autoren die prinzipiellen Möglichkeiten zur Förderung des erneuerbaren Stroms und analysieren diese in knapper Darstellung. Alle vier untersuchten Förderinstrumente (Einspeisevergütung, Bonusmodell, Quotenregelung und Ausschreibungen) zeigen dabei Stärken, aber auch Schwächen und es gibt keine einfache Regel für die Wahl eines solchen Instrumentes. Es zeigt sich aber doch, dass – eine weitsichtig planende Politik vorausgesetzt – bei längerfristig stabilen Fördermassnahmen die grossen Ziele für 2030 erreichbar sein sollte
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17 Oct The case for centres of excellence in sustainable building design

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
A report that presents the outcome of an exercise to establish the costs and benefits for the UK economy of creating a network of centres of excellence in integrated, sustainable design for construction.
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