Author: administrateur

18 Oct Thinking like an engineer – implications for the education system summary report

Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) (RAEng)
This report offers fresh insights into the ways engineers think. It suggests ways in which the education system might be redesigned to develop engineers more effectively and makes suggestions as to how the wider public might become engaged with these issues.
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18 Oct Making design engineering fascinating Recommendations for training qualified design engineers

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Today's design engineers act as developers, drivers and originators in the process of creating new products. They conceive new products for businesses taking account of all the phases in the product's life cycle, and they provide the documentation needed to manufacture them. As such, they have a direct influence on the success of manufacturing companies. They need to be creative and continuously rise to the challenge of using new materials and technologies. In addition to traditional design engineering know-how in areas such as machine components and materials, functional groups, production and assembly technology, design engineering methodology, systematic problem solving and spatial visualisation skills, they increasingly also require IT and programming skills as well as electrical engineering and mechatronics know-how. Systems design draws on a combination of all these skills.
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18 Oct Slovenia Needs a New Vision for the Development of the Economy and Society (16 pages – en)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Slovenia is falling behind in technological development because of economic reasons as well as because technological intelligence has been left out from deciding on key questions on economic, predominantly industrial, and general society development. Slovenian Academy of Engineering has carried out consultations to point out, for the public and decision-makers, the inadequate state on different fields that are creating the present economic crisis. The position paper is focusing on the Purpose of the Initiative and Propositions of Slovenian Academy of Engineering, and is explaining propositions from first two parts of the position papers in Slovenian language. The position paper was distributed to international partner organisations of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering and other interested organisations.
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18 Oct Comparative Analysis of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovations of Slovenia (92 pages – slo)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Analysis of educational system in Slovenia and Research, development and innovative achievements of Slovenia has now become an annual task and receives and generates substantial interest from interested parties. In 2014 it focused on higher education in Slovenia, on research and development activities and in Slovenia.
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18 Oct The Value-Creating University – From Enclave to Key Role

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
In order to strengthen Denmark’s position in the era of globalisation, ATV in this report sums up the unique position of the 8 Danish universities as to becoming a vital driving force in society as knowledge is the key to excelling in international competition. The report focuses on 4 themes: The financial issue – from expense to investment in knowledge; the university as driver for knowledge exchange; education and talent strategy; growth-creating leadership.
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18 Oct Devising an Educational Barometer for University Educations

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
The most important value-stream of the Danish universities are their graduates. The graduates must be educated at the highest level possible, given the resources at hand. In this report, ATV analyses central elements in the master degrees obtainable at Danish universities – elements such as professionalism, competency, capabilities, scientific level, value-creation and international comparability.
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18 Oct Recruitment of school teachers with science as main subject

Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
Too few young people chose to educate themselves as school teachers with science as main subject. The report sum up experiences from a conference and smaller follow up meetings. In this report, ATV gives recommendations for action to main stakeholders in order to make the education more attractive.
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18 Oct The Potential of Dual Study Programmes in the STEM Subjects

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Innovation is key to sustainable value creation and employment in Germany. However, even today there is already a shortage of adequately qualified personnel in some innovative industries. As a result of high staff turnover and the anticipated future increase in recruitment levels, a growing shortfall is becoming particularly apparent in the “STEM” field, which incorporates all professions that involve technology, mathematics and the natural sciences. By continuing to strengthen dual study programmes we can help to secure a long-term supply of qualified personnel. Different studies and surveys together with heightened media interest all point to the fact that this blend of vocational training and academic education has become extremely popular in recent years.
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18 Oct IAE Response to DJEI Action Plan for Jobs (APJ) 2016

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
Irish Academy of Engineering - 2015 IAE Response to Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Action Plan for Jobs 2016. Specific proposals for the establishment of centres of excellence for research and skills training recommended and improved universities/industry links.
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