Author: administrateur

21 Oct Lecture Series on Engineering Research & Innovation

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
It was decided by the Academy, following their report “Engineering Research and Irish Economic Development (Dec. 2010)”, that for the greater promotion of its findings and recommendations, to invite four distinguished engineers who have made their names in the international world of engineering innovation, to participate in this lecture series on the topic of Engineering Research and Innovation. This particular publication focuses on the vital role of research in industrial innovation and identifies the specific contributions which the various sectors make:- 1.    Government through its fundamental strategies and its agencies. 2.    Industry with its interaction with the research programmes of engineering schools. 3.    The engineering schools which promote the innovation of undergraduate courses and in their research topics. 4.    The speakers, each of whom is of the highest international standards and who came to Ireland to give these lectures and share their views with us.
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21 Oct Opinion on State in Slovenia and Suggestions for Promotion of Economic Growth (3 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
In Slovenia in past 20 years there hasn’t been established an effective innovation policy nor a stable system of cooperation between science and economy. IAS has prepared an advice and position paper with short-, mid- and long-term measures on different fields: economy, education and research, and society. The paper was distributed to relevant state institutions and other interested organisations.
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21 Oct Strategy of Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Slovenia (50 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Analysis of educational system in Slovenia and Research, development and innovative achievements of Slovenia has now become an annual task and receives and generates substantial interest from interested parties. In 2012 it has been upgraded to Strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Slovenia. It contains propositions that connect engineering, industry, innovation, research, economy, environment, sustainability for further development of Slovenia.
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21 Oct Technology Highway – Consensus for an Innovative Slovenia (104 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Knowledge is the only way out of the economic crisis, is the foreword of the collection of articles  of speakers at the conference “Technology Highway - Consensus for an Innovative Slovenia”, organised by the Slovenian Academy of Engineering. The conference has discussed on the Strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Slovenia, the Euro-CASE Innovation platform and Horizon 2020. The collection of articles presents contributions of five speakers at the conference.
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21 Oct Yearbook of Slovenian Academy of Engineering 2012 (84 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Yearbook of Slovenian Academy of Engineering is a yearly publication of activities of the Academy. It presents academy members, bodies of Academy, academies’ working groups and activities of academy in past year.
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21 Oct Comparative Analysis of Higher Education, Research, Development, Innovations and Economy Achievements of Slovenia (84 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Analysis of educational system in Slovenia and Research, development and innovative achievements of Slovenia has now become an annual task and receives and generates substantial interest from interested parties. In 2013 it focused on higher education in Slovenia, on research and development activities, innovation and entrepreneurship and on economy in Slovenia. The analysis has been one of the main documents, on which the position paper “Slovenia need a new Vision of Economic and Social Development” is based.
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21 Oct Yearbook of Slovenian academy of Engineering 2013 (88 pages)

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Yearbook of Slovenian Academy of Engineering is a yearly publication of activities of the Academy. It presents academy members, bodies of Academy, academies’ working groups and activities of academy in past year.
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21 Oct A mandatory component of development strategies: disaster prevention / mitigation

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The paper is devoted to a field which, according to the author’s belief, is yet underdeveloped in our country. In case one looks at the aspects to be considered in connection with the prevention / mitigation of disasters, it turns out that huge additional resources of several kinds should be provided it his field.
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21 Oct Micro-seismic assessment of an area with high anthropogenic activities. Implications for the ortophysic model validation / Evaluarea microseismica a unei zone cu activitate antropica ridicata. Implicatii in validarea modelului ortofizic.

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
Embedded in a energo-material flux, the streaming of information has a distinct role, quite different from that of being the cause of the dynamic of a system. It regulates the flow of energy and matter, can trigger some new processes, it’s able to adjust and correct in such a way to help the entire system to evolve according to a specific function, goal, even to a meaning.
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21 Oct Intelligent system for the multiparameter monitoring of seismogenic zones / Sistem inteligent de monitorizare multiparametrica a unei zone seismogene

Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR)
The earthquake was re-interpreted as an expression of the geocomplexity, and this new point of view reoriented the research in this area towards understanding complex phenomena. Specifically, this marked the beginning of a new stage in geosciences in general, and in seismologic research in particular, especially regarding the practical application of the main concepts, models, theories and methods provided by the new paradigm of Complexity.
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