Author: administrateur

18 Oct Jubilee Annual 2017-2018 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering

Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ)
It is customary for the Academy to present the appropriate form of its activities in the annualsof the academy, which are issued yearly in Croatian or English. So, Annual 2016 of the Croatian Academy of Engineering was published in which our members in their papers deal with the current burning topic entiled "The State and theFfuture of Technical and Biotechnical Sciences in Croatia in the 21st Century" which certainly contributed to considerations and decisions related to the future of science and economy. You now have in front of you our Annual 2017-2018 in english under the title "Annual 2017-2018 of the Croatian Academy of engineering". The significant aim of this edition is to make a contribution and historical review of activities over the past years and to make you familiar with the type and membership of the Academy.
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18 Oct Bio energies development: Instruments for the feasibility analysis of energy conversion facilities.

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
The aim of the European Parliament’s “climate-energy pack”, whose target is to increase up to 20% renewable energy consumptions within the 2020, attributes to biomass a basic role in the future energy scenarios. Therefore, the use of bio energies represents, currently, an interesting opportunity not only for environmental and economic benefits, but also for a local development. The seminar illustrates the present opportunities to develop the three energy chains of wood biomass, biogas and liquid biofuels, as well as to illustrate some of the most interesting experiences realised in Regione Veneto. During the seminar, much time is devoted to the presentation of two software, realised by Itabia and CRPA, for the feasibility evaluation and the technical-economic analysis concerning the realisation of energy conversion plants, with particular attention to biogas production.
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18 Oct Position Paper on Slovenian Energy Policy

Engineering Academy of Slovenia (IAS)
Slovenia needs an effective energy policy, as reliable energy supply, effective and endurable consumption and environment protection are crucial elements of quality economic development of Slovenia. Reduction of energy dependence and successful energy strategy can be provided by efficient usage of energy and a high share of local classical and renewable sources.
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18 Oct Energy efficiency and savings in housing and buildings

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
The NATF discusses in this report the options to reduce energy consumption and to divide by 4, in 2040, CO2 emissions in domestic and tertiary buildings. The adapted technologies exist already today. The document recommends multiple specific actions, in particular towards public authorities, companies and professional federations. It underlines the essential necessity of interactions between the housing sector and those of transportation and urbanism.
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18 Oct Hydro- and wind power

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
This report describes production and storage conditions of these renewable energies. It provides details of their environmental impacts and layouts its implementation in the world. It discusses political stakes and underlines the need to respect each country’s sovereignty along with the recognition of the role of major international and regional institutions in the durable development of our planet.
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18 Oct A century of nuclear power production

National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
France is a major player in nuclear physics and its applications, in particular in the electro-nuclear energy domain. The monograph is a widely accessible synthesis of the nuclear energy sector development in France. It describes the stakes of nuclear technologies and the challenges to overcome to make political and technical choices. The author analyses the importance of organisational structures and of the human factors to successfully develop programs and to overcome difficulties.
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18 Oct Concept for an Integrated Energy Research Program for Germany

National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
The Federal Minister of Education and Research, Annette Schavan, has commissioned acatech and the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina with the crafting of the concept for an integrated energy research program in autumn of 2008. The two academies were requested to identify the most important research questions between the apparently contradictory priorities of secure and affordable energy supply and the federal government’s climate protection goals. In so doing, the social, legal and economic aspects as well as questions of acceptance with regard to energy supply were to be addressed as well. Hence the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities as a representative of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities was integrated for the crafting of an initial concept draft in which around 100 scientists from universities, non-university research institutes, industry as well as civil society participated.
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18 Oct Review of Ireland’s Energy Policy in the Context of the Changing Economy

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
This Report follows on from the Report on Future Energy Policy in Ireland published by the Irish Academy of Engineering in March 2006. The selected topics contained in the Report relate to areas of more immediate priority in the context of the changing economy. The Academy published a series of follow‐up, supplementary reports on energy matters over the next two years. This Report is based on the consensus view of the Irish Academy of Engineering’s Steering Committee on Energy (see inside back cover for details of the Committee). They were assisted in addressing this highly complex subject by a number of other parties, whose contribution is acknowledged on the inside back cover. The Report does not necessarily reflect the personal views of all the Academy members.
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18 Oct Irish Energy Policy – Update on Electricity Price Competitiveness

Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE)
In June 2009 the Irish Academy of Engineering published a review of Ireland’s energy policy. This review was carried out in the context of the major changes taking place in Ireland’s economy and focussed especially on energy price competitiveness. In particular the review drew attention to the growing lack of competitiveness of Irish electricity prices when compared to EU averages and strongly suggested a re‐examination of government policies in light of the urgent need to restore the country’s international competitiveness. The Academy  updated its analysis based on Eurostat statistics for 2009.
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